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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Resource map on sexual orientation and gender identity for young sexual and reproductive rights activists

    The Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR), as a youth-led international organization of young people aged 18-29 years old, is committed to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights at the national, regional and international levels and identifies issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity as integral to bodily integrity, dignity and health. …

  2. LGBT and gender equality policy plan of the Netherlands 2011-2015

    This Policy Plan contains a description of the policy programmes of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The programmes concerned are policy programmes for the equal rights of homosexuals and transgender people, the safety and empowerment of homosexuals, transgender people and women, the social acceptance of homosexuals and transgender people, the labour participation of women and talent, the labour participation of women and the strengths of low-skilled women and the international LGBT and gender equality policy. …

  3. Safe, positive and queering moments in teaching education and schooling: a conceptual framework

    This article introduces a conceptual framework for thinking about the development of anti‐homophobia education in teacher education and schooling contexts. The authors bring the safe, positive, and queering moments framework to bear on three distinct anti‐homophobia education practices: coming out stories, homophobic name‐calling analysis, and Pride Week activities. The analysis of these education practices through the lens of our conceptual framework illuminates its usefulness for thinking through both the intent and impact of anti homophobia education within classrooms. …

  4. Resilience amidst adversity: Being gay and African in the new century

    This report gives an overview of what it means to be gay and African in the early part of the 21st century. Commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies and the OTHER Foundation, it also highlights organisations working to improve the situation and the funders supporting such activities. This is not an academic publication. It is meant to provide information about the conditions facing gay people throughout the continent and show that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are often pawns, vulnerable pawns, for those seeking power. …

  5. Discriminations LGBT-phobes à l’école - état des lieux et recommandations

    À l’École, l’homosexualité reste encore trop souvent un tabou. Pourtant, de nombreux jeunes LGBT fréquentent les établissements scolaires. L’âge des "coming out" et de l’affirmation de soi devient plus précoce en raison notamment de la visibilité grandissante de l’homosexualité dans la société, les médias, les séries télé et le cinéma, ainsi que de la possibilité croissante de s’identifier à des modèles (sportifs, acteurs, chanteurs, écrivains, proches). …

  6. Out of the box: Queer youth in South Africa today: case study

    This Atlantic-commissioned case study provides a snapshot of what life is like for young lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and intersex people (LGBTIs) in South Africa today – 17 years after the Constitution outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation. It explores if democracy has brought greater tolerance and celebration of diversity for today’s young LGBTIs. …

  7. Best practices guidance in conducting HIV research with gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in rights-constrained environments

    This guidance is jointly developed by UNDP, amfAR’s MSM Initiative, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), and The John Hopkins University-Center for Public Health and Human Rights (JHU-CPHHR). This guidance has been developed for both researchers and community-based organizations in rights-constrained environments. …

  8. Young key populations at higher risk of HIV in Asia and the Pacific: Making the case with strategic information. Guidance report

    This guidance was developed based on experience sharing and problem solving from an expert meeting on Methodologies for Obtaining Strategic Information on Young People at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3rd to 5th of September, 2012. This meeting facilitated the sharing of knowledge, and exchange of ideas and experiences in the collection, analysis and utilization of strategic information on young key populations. …

  9. Gendered harassment in secondary schools: understanding teachers' (non) interventions

    This article provides an analysis of teachers’ perceptions of and responses to gendered harassment in Canadian secondary schools based on in-depth interviews with six teachers in one urban school district. Gendered harassment includes any behaviour that polices and reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms such as (hetero)sexual harassment, homophobic harassment, and harassment for gender non-conformity. This study shows that educators experience a combination of external and internal influences that act as either barriers or motivators for intervention. …

  10. Empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth: lessons learned from a Safe Schools Summit

    The bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in schools is a significant problem in the United States. This study examined responses of youth participants at a statewide Safe Schools Summit to a survey of their experiences with school-based violence, harassment, and discrimination, and of the effects of their attendance at the Summit. Quantitative analyses found that 92% of respondents felt "more empowered" following participation in the Summit. …

  11. Aprendiendo y educando con inclusión: guía de consulta sobre sexualidad, diversidad sexual y derechos humanos para docentes de educación básica regular

    Con esta guía, las y los docentes obtendrán información actualizada y científica para comprender una serie de aspectos sobre la sexualidad de las y los adolescentes y de jóvenes con orientaciones sexuales o identidades de género diferentes. Además, encontrarán información sobre el marco normativo internacional y nacional que ampara sus derechos, así como algunos recursos metodológicos para enfrentar situaciones de acoso escolar o bullying homofóbico, lesbofóbico y transfóbico, a nivel individual y al interior del aula.

  12. Don't ask don't tell. Hidden in the crowd : the need for documenting links between sexuality and suicidal behaviours amoung young people. Report on the same-sex attracted youth suicide data collection project

    This project was commissioned to establish whether agencies and services collected qualitative or quantitative data that might demonstrate links between suicidal behaviours and issues of sexuality for young people. …

  13. A case for legal protection for sexual minority educators

    Discrimination based on sexual orientation in K–12 education is not prohibited in many school districts across the United States. Teachers who are of the sexual minority (gay, lesbian, or bisexual) must remain closeted or risk losing their jobs. A history of past court decisions and laws deeming sexual minorities to be degenerates from which children should be protected, coupled with little legal protection for sexual minorities, have pressured many educators into remaining quiet about their identity. …

  14. Bullying of LGBT youth and school climate for LGBT educators

    Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students continue to report more often than their heterosexual peers, through repeated studies (Kosciw, et al, 2010), a much higher incidence of experiencing bullying and harassment in schools. These students also reported a higher degree of isolation and few role models in schools. This paper discusses and relates results from a 2011 study during which teachers who self-identified as LGBT completed a survey to provide information on the workplace climate. …

  15. I would not consider myself a homophobe: Learning and teaching about sexual orientation in a principal preparation program

    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the written reflections of aspiring principals in two principal-preparation courses where social justice is at the core of the content and which address sexual orientation as part of the responsibility of a social justice leader. Data Collection: Two instructors in a leadership-preparation program incorporated reflection assignments into their respective social-justice-related courses. One course was offered at the beginning of the program; the other offered at the end. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.