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Main topics of this newsletter are: - A Model of Workplace HIV/AIDS Management; - Women Make up half World's HIV Population; - Shared Experiences on Stigma and Discrimination.; - Comparative Study; - Mitigating the effect of Post Election Violence; - Organizing Education Sector Responses to HIV and AIDS.
Main topics of this newsletter are: - Task Force Committee for Kenya Network of HIV Positive Teachers (KENEPOTE); - Achievements of KENEPOTE; - PLWHA Perspective at the International AIDS Conference Mexico (2008); - Challenges facing the orphaned Child in School.
Main topics of this newsletter are: - Taking the Lead in VCT; - KAIS Results; - Impact of HIV and AIDS: Pilot study on the Teaching Profession; - HIV and Mental Illness; - Disability Friendly VCT. Others topic are: - TSC Sub-Sector WorkPlace Policy; - Teachers Achievements of Kenya Network of HIV Positive Teachers (KENEPOTE); - PLWHA Perspective at the International AIDS Conference Mexico (2008); - Challenges facing the orphaned Child in School.
La presente monografía describe el programa "SIDA Saber ayuda" implementado por investigadores catalanes, dirigido a estudiantes de secundaria (entre 15 y 17 años) y puesto en marcha en toda España. Con este programa se buscó propiciar la comprensión del SIDA no sólo desde la perspectiva preventiva y médica, sino como un fenómeno global, que involucra dimensiones sociales, culturales, históricas, económicas, filosóficas etc. …
The Kenyan Teachers Service Commission (TSC) was established in 1967. It was mandated to register, recruit, remunerate, deploy, promote, discipline teachers and maintain teaching standards in public educational institutions. The Commission employees have been faced with many challenges including multicultural dynamics, age differences, family issues which spill into the work place, work related separation of families and couples, inter personal conflicts, substance abuse, HIV and AIDS, increased stress and burnout, poor morale, poor financial and time management among others. …
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Lesotho, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
This policy is designed to engage prevention programmes in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Partnerships needs to be established between student and staff communities. The fundamental principle at UKZN is that of a comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS with educational and preventive interventions as the foundation activities to safeguard the interests of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, its staff and students.
Rhodes University commits itself to the creation of HIV and AIDS support structures directed at enhancing the health and welfare awareness of its whole community. This policy is designed to engage prevention programmes in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Partnerships needs to be established between student and staff communities.
The manual has been designed for teachers from Teacher Training College. The Manual consists of eleven Modules. It contains information on HIV and AIDS, reproductive health, preventive education as well as exercises for life skills development and attitude formation for healthy lifestyle.
The manual on prevention of HIV infection for university teachers will be used for training future teachers. The manual consists of twelve modules on different topics: HIV infection as a socio-economic problem; general information on HIV infection; psychoactive substances and prevention of their use, legal aspects of HIV prevention and drug abuse; sexuality and sexual relations: the influence of gender factors on vulnerability to HIV and sexually transmitted infections, and others.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Zimbabwe, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Tanzania, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Zambia, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. It looks at whether these policies, tools and practices have evolved in response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Swaziland, a country where HIV and AIDS are highly prevalent. It looks at whether these policies, tools and practices have evolved in response to the HIV epidemic
Documento que describe y sistematiza experiencias educativas de prevención de VIH en la escuela. También detalla los problemas a enfrentar, tanto curriculares como culturales y sociales. Se considera la educación para prevención del VIH/sida como un sistema que Incluye tanto a la escuela como la educación de pares, la utilización de redes cooperativas y de internet.