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Online application guide

To help you understand how UNESCO’s online recruitment system, RecrutWeb, works, here is an overview of the procedure to be followed:

The stages of online application:
1. Access the application form
2. Insert the information requested
3. Submit your application
japanesegarden9_250.jpg Here are the instructions for submitting your application correctly:


If you are using RecrutWeb for the first time this procedure will create your user account, the tool you need for the personal and confidential management of your application(s); if you have already applied for a post using RecrutWeb it will give you access to information already saved.


1. Consult the list of vacancies.
2. Create your own user account.
3. Apply.

1. Consult the list of vacancies which contains all the international Professional posts open to recruitment, read the vacancy notice carefully (pdf file), then click on “My user account” in the navigation menu or on “To Apply” on the line of the post you are interested in.

2. Identify yourself as a user.

If you are applying online for the first time:
  • First, create a personal user account by registering your login information, that is, selecting a user name and password.
  • An email containing a link confirming your registration is sent to you immediately.
  • Open the email and click directly on the link to activate your account. If the link is displayed over two lines, you should select the whole link and then copy it into the address field of your browser to activate the account.

    If you have already applied online for a post:
  • You already have a user name and password.
  • Go straight to the application form by entering your user name and password in the “Registered user” zone.

    Note: if you have forgotten your login information, you can recover it by clicking on “Forgot your password?” or on “Check if you already have a user account”.
    We recommend that you create one user name only to use in all your applications on RecrutWeb.

    3. Apply in the following way:
  • If you clicked on “My user account” in the first stage, now select the relevant post in the list of vacancies.
  • If you clicked on “Apply” in the first stage, check that the title of the post displayed at the top of the form is the same as that of the relevant post. If it is not, return to the list of vacancies.


    Enter all the information needed to evaluate your application by completing all the sections of the form.


    1. Complete the six sections.
    2. In each section provide all the information required.
    3. Points to remember.

    1. The six sections of the form
    In order to submit a valid application, you should complete all six sections of the form:
  • Personal information
  • Education
  • Professional experience
  • Skills
  • Letter of application
  • Additional information

    2. In each section, provide all the information required
    Here are the most important details requested in each section, with options:

  • First section:
    Personal information – this is information about who you are. You must reply at least to the questions marked with an asterisk: name, place of residence, birth, nationality, and so on.
    Special cases:
    – If you are already a UNESCO staff member, give your UNESCO ID number. Make sure that you give your first name and family name as they are written on your pay slip.
    – If you are a staff member of another United Nations agency, give the name of the organization.
    – If you are an external applicant, do not put anything in the box marked “UNESCO ID number”, which is strictly reserved for UNESCO staff members.

    Note: interns, consultants, supernumeraries and persons who have an Appointment of Limited Duration (ALD) at UNESCO or the United Nations are not considered to be staff members.

  • Second section:
    Education. This is information about your secondary and higher education and the corresponding diplomas or degrees.

    Note: If you have filled in all the fields and want to add additional diplomas you hold, click on “Add additional secondary education” or “Add additional higher education”.

  • Third section:
    Professional experience. This is information about your employment.
    You should mention your career, giving details of previous employment, any other activity linked to your job and, lastly, people who would be willing to provide references for you.

    Note: If you have filled in all the fields and want to add additional experience, click on “Add professional experience”.

  • Fourth section:
    Skills. This is information about the nature and level of your skills.
    The skills you need to mention relate to languages, in particular UNESCO’s official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian), computer skills and your personal skills as they relate to the position for which you are applying.

  • Fifth section:
    Letter in support of application. This is information about why you want the job and your qualifications for it.
    This section gives you an opportunity to explain why you want to work for UNESCO in particular, and how your skills and professional experience are relevant to the post for which you are applying.

  • Sixth section:
    Additional information – anything else you believe to be relevant.
    This section is for any other information necessary for a fuller evaluation of your application, for instance, your nationality if it does not already feature in the list proposed.

    3. Points to remember
    When moving from one section to another, always remember to verify that you have saved the information you have just entered by clicking on “Save” at the foot of the page. Please note that a message will be displayed whenever you change section, whether or not you have already saved the information entered.
    In order to avoid being cut off, which would mean losing unsaved information, do not remain inactive on a page for more than thirty minutes. We strongly recommend that you click on the “Save” button as often as possible, for instance, after entering each new piece of information.


    RecrutWeb allows you to fill in all the information requested in several stages, so it is essential that you validate and send your application once you have completed the form.


    1. Check that all relevant information has been provided.
    2. Submit your application.

    1. Check that all relevant information has been provided
    Before concluding your application, ensure that it is complete by checking that you have filled in all the fields corresponding to your profile.
    By clicking on “View application” you can view and print the information on the UNESCO curriculum vitae form.

    2. Send your application
    When you have checked that your application is complete, you may submit it for recruitment by clicking on “Send my application”.
    You will then be asked to confirm the application by clicking on “Accept”. When you confirm, the application will be registered and you will immediately receive an email acknowledging this.

    Note: Make sure that you give the correct email address, otherwise we cannot acknowledge registration of your application.


    Here is a summary of your options for modifying information, submitting other applications and checking the status of your application.

    Before sending your application:
    You can modify the information as often as you need by saving the latest version.

    After sending your application:
    You can no longer modify the information in an application that has been submitted.

    To submit another application:
    You should either submit the current application, or cancel it by clicking on “Cancel my application”. You can then modify the information in the form and submit a new application.

    To view all your applications:
    Log in as a user and click on “Ongoing/previous applications”.

    To check the status of your application:
    Log in as a user and then click either on “Recruitment Status” in the navigation bar to the left, or on “Ongoing/previous applications”.






    How to do


  • First, assess your skills: have you got the right profile?
  • If so, see how to apply
    with the guide for applying online or off-line,
  • If you succeed to go through the recruitment process step by step,
  • You’ll obtain the status and entitlements of professionals at UNESCO.

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