The "Directory of Permanent Delegations to UNESCO" is established according to the communications received from Permanent Delegates of Member States, Permanent Observers and Permanent Representatives of the Intergovernmental Organizations accredited at UNESCO.
In accordance with the diplomatic usage and practice followed by the United Nations (in New York) and the other organizations of the United Nations system, this directory mentions under the heading "Permanent Delegations of Member States", only the members of the delegations which have the diplomatic statute and which exert diplomatic functions.
Any modification or addition to the present list have to be communicated by the Head of the Permanent Mission, to the following address:
Mr Chief of Protocol
Sector for External Relations and Public Information
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 PARIS 07 SP
1. The order in which appear the Permanent Delegations is that of the official list of the Member States of UNESCO (Appendix 4 L of the UNESCO Manual).
2. The date mentioned following the name of Permanent Delegates is that of the presentation of their letters of accreditation to the Director-General.
3. The co-ordinates of Permanent Delegations located in the building V, (1, rue Miollis), are indicated next to the names (example: Office M5.15)