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What is Local Knowledge?

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    Celebrating the indigenous knowledge of the Mayangna people
    The book “Conocimientos del Pueblo Mayangna sobre la Convivencia del Hombre y la Naturaleza” was successfully launched in July 2010 in Managua, Nicaragua. Available in Mayangna and Spanish, the 400-page book in two volumes captures the knowledge, know-how and worldview of the Mayangna people.

    Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development: scientific, social, cultural and educational challenges
    Monte Carlo, Monaco, 3-6 March 2009 (INVITATION ONLY)
    Climate change is accelerating the transformation of environmental, social and cultural landscapes across the Arctic and Subarctic. These alterations, including their global impact, have yet to be comprehensively evaluated and monitored. To address this challenge, a coordinated effort is required that brings together relevant natural and social science expertise, cultural and educational perspectives, as well as appropriate ethical frameworks.

    To this end, UNESCO organised an international experts meeting on climate change and sustainable development in the Arctic.


    Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: impacts and responses
    Paris, France, 17 October 2007
    Salle IV UNESCO Fontenoy
    The looming challenge of climate change was discussed by indigenous experts from each of three vulnerable environments: the Arctic, small islands and high altitudes. The speakers discussed how climate change is affecting their communities and ways of life, as well as the manner in which indigenous people are managing, responding to and negotiating these changes.


    International Experts Meeting on Indigenous Knowledge and Changing Environments
    Cairns, Australia, 19-23 August 2007
    The meeting brought together indigenous peoples and experts from both anthropological and ecological perspectives working on the nature-society interface. Organised by the LINKS Programme with support from the Christensen Fund. Hosted by James Cook University and the Australian National Commission for UNESCO. Cairns, Australia.




    Safeguarding the Transmission of Local & Indigenous Knowledge of Nature
    Experts meeting on the occassion of the EXPO 2005 Aichi
    Aichi Prefectural University, Nagoya, Japan 14-15 April 2005
    In an increasingly global world, the homogenisation of social and ecological systems is a growing concern. With 90% of world languages expected to disappear this century and biodiversity loss estimated at 100 times greater than natural rates, urgent measures are required to maintain the world's cultures and environments.




    Biological and Cultural Diversity: The challenge of local knowledge, practice and worldviews
    Biodiversity Science and Governance
    Paris, France 27 January 2005
    Today, local knowledge has gained broad recognition in the international arena, and numerous partners are making an effort to integrate scientific and local knowledge. Given existing relations of power, is such an approach likely to provide benefits equally to all partners? 




    Water and Cultural Diversity
    Third World Water Conference
    Kyoto, Japan 16-17 March 2003

    Indigenous People's contribution to the thematic session. It will consider the extent to which indigenous representations, knowledge and practice are given due consideration in water policy development, and present alternatives for a more effective integration of indigenous peoples into decision-making processes that directly impact upon their economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being.



    Linking Traditional and Scientific Knowledge for Sustainable Development
    Parallel Event at the World Summit on Sustainable Development
    Johannesburg, South Africa 29 August 2002
    Participants recognised that both traditional knowledge systems and science, whether in the domains of environmental conservation, education, or medical practice, each had their place and that continuing their respectful coexistence, encouraging open dialogue, and strengthening synergies are mutually beneficial goals.




    NGO’s, Indigenous Peoples and Local Knowledge
    UNESCO, Paris 27-28 May 2002
    When it comes to managing biodiversity, relations between scientists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and indigenous peoples can be complex, even conflictual affairs. This emerges from a seminar organized at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris by the Apsonat team within the Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS), in collaboration with the transdisciplinary LINKS programme launched by UNESCO as World Conference on Science follow-up.



    Indigenous Science and Traditional Knowledge
    Wellington, New Zealand 3-7 September 2001
    The purpose of the workshop was to explore recommendations of the UNESCO World Conference on Science (Budapest, 1999) as they relate to indigenous science and traditional knowledge. Protection of indigenous science was a major theme.




    Science and Tradition: Roots and Wings for Development
    Brussels 5-6 April 2001
    International Conference organized by the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences and UNESCO.



    Water and Indigenous Peoples
    Second World Water Forum
    The Hague, Neds 17-22 March 2000
    Indigenous peoples have sophisticated knowledge and practices relating to water, its use and management. In this session Aboriginal (Australia), Cree (Canada), Fijian (Fiji), Hopi (USA), Ibaloi-Igorot (Philippines), Karen, Thai (Thailand) and San (Namibia/Botswana) case studies were presented and discussed...


    Science and Other Systems of Knowledge
    World Conference on Science
    Budapest, 28 June 1999
    Almost without exception, the participants acknowledge that traditional knowledge is a vital heritage for humanity. They recognized that, for the great majority of the world's population and in particular for those living in developing countries, traditional knowledge provides the principal means of...

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