World Philosophy Day 2007, 15 November 2007 |
Introduced in 2002 by UNESCO, World Philosophy Day is this year celebrated for the sixth consecutive time. |
- World Philosophy Day activities in Istanbul, Turkey, 22-23 November 2007
- Symposium on the new philosophical practices, “Practice, training and research in the school context: Perspectives”, UNESCO Headquarters, 14 November 2007
- Symposium on “Stories of human rights thought”, UNESCO Headquarters, 15 November 2007
- Symposium on “Thinking with Franz Fanon today”, UNESCO Headquarters, 30 November and 1 December 2007
- Activities in the world
- Contact us
Aiming to promote and popularize philosophical reflection, World Philosophy Day in 2007 continues to work towards the fostering of independent thought and dialogue.
Turkey is this year the host of the Day’s international event, which will take place in Istanbul, on 22 and 23 November 2007. This country is of particular importance to UNESCO’s Philosophy Programme, being at the origin of the adoption in 2005 of the Intersectoral Strategy on Philosophy by UNESCO’s Member States.
Philosophers, students, journalists, academics and other friends of philosophy, will in Istanbul once again have the opportunity to debate and exchange on various subjects. The event will start with a keynote lecture on “Dialogue: Between whom, on what?”. Several round tables, tackling various topics such as “The philosophical foundations of peace and human rights: Where do we stand?”, “Critical perspectives of current trends of subjectivism and relativism and their consequences”, or “Philosophy and its future”, will be organized and attended by numerous philosophers from the different regions of the world. Other activities are also scheduled to take place, such as cafés philosophique, exhibitions, philosophy book fairs, etc.
This encounter will also be the occasion to officially launch the UNESCO study entitled "Philosophy: A School of Freedom. Teaching philosophy and learning to philosophize: status and prospects", published in French and English by UNESCO Publishing in the autumn of 2007. A study of the state of the art of the teaching of philosophy in the world on pre-school, primary, secondary and high education level, this study also proposes pedagogical and didactic orientations for the promotion of the teaching of philosophy in the world. (More ...)
At UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, on 14 November 2007 the 7th symposium on new philosophical practices will be organized on the topic “Practice, training and research in the school context: Perspectives”. On 15 November the symposium entitled “Stories of human rights thought” will take place. On 30 November and 1 December 2007, a symposium on “Thinking with Frantz Fanon today” will also be organized.
In most Member States of UNESCO, and continuing the tradition since 2002, different events will take place involving National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO’s Field Offices, universities, research centres, specialized NGOs, etc.
We hope that this World Philosophy Day will continue to serve knowledge, refection and critical and independent analysis in all corners of the world.
Read the Message from Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of World Philosophy Day, 15 November 2007.
Contact us
For more information regarding the celebrations of World Philosophy Day 2007, contact the Human Security, Democracy and Philosophy Section.
Poster: © ŞENAY İNANAN |
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