Quick Link to this page: www.unesco.org/shs/philosophy/women_philosophers |
International Network of Women Philosophers sponsored by UNESCO |
UNESCO has the pleasure to announce the creation of the Website of the International Network of Women Philosophers, an information portal available to women philosophers throughout the world and to other friends of philosophy. |
Dear Women Philosophers,
Dear All,
On the occasion of 8 March, International Women's Day, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the website of the International Network of Women Philosophers sponsored by UNESCO is now available online at the following address: www.unesco.org/shs/philosophy/women_philosophers.
This new information portal has been designed for the members of the Network, for women philosophers themselves, as well as for their friends, independent of gender or discipline.
Its aim is to be useful and informative, but, above all, to create genuine links within the philosophical community at national, regional and international levels. It ails to provide you with full information regarding the Network, its founding members, its objectives, its structure. It also contains a directory of women philosophers working in different countries throughout the world and who now number more than 1200. We are very happy that they are the first users of this website.
It is now then up to you to takes possession of this website, to enrich it, to share it, and to make it your own, with the constant objective of working in favour of the practice of philosophy by women.
The International Network of Women Philosophers sponsored by UNESCO is your own network. It belongs to you just as the future of philosophy belongs to youx.
We invite ou to use this new website to help make the primary mission that UNESCO’s Constitution exhorts us to engage in, that of intellectual and moral solidarity, into a tangible reality!
Have a nice visit!
Pierre Sané
Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences
Moufida Goucha
Chief of the Human Security, Democracy and Philosophy Section |
News |
17-03-2010 (UNESCO) - The First Assembly of the International Network of Women Philosophers sponsored by UNESCO took place at UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris (France) on 14 and 15 December 2009. The Assembly brought together more than 80 women philosophers from Africa, the Arab region, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America and Latin America and the Caribbean. Pierre Sané, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, officially opened the Assembly. The conclusions of the meeting are now available.
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Quick Link to this page: www.unesco.org/shs/philosophy/women_philosophers