Memorial trees for science education and peace - Turkey

Flourishing Environment | Vibrant Community | Equitable Economy

World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated annually on 10 November. This year’s theme is  “Quality Science Education- ensuring a sustainable future for all”.

In Turkey, World Science Day coincided with the  commemoration of the 76th anniversary  of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s passing, the founder of the Turkish Republic. 


The school community dedicated their efforts to supporting this momentous event with a number of actions that reflect their commitment to quality science education and peace. Trees make a perfect memorial gift to a sustainable future. Nesibe Aydın family expressed their love for quality science education, flourishing environment, and peace by planting memorial trees. The gift of memorial trees is enduring, symbolic, and will grow stronger, and blossom with life, year after year. students and teachers self-awareness about the event was highlighted by science’s important role in peace and development. 

Classroom discussions were conducted to emphasize how science education empowers sustainability and peace. World Science Day Posters were also placed on the school walls so that the school community is aware of the event.

“Peace at Home, Peace in the World” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 
