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Ce document présente le résumé des données d'expérience échangées lors de la 2ème Conférence régionale sur le SIDA en Afrique en 1989. Les questions abordées ont trait à l'exécution et à la surveillance continue des programmes nationaux de lutte contre le SIDA, à la définition des groupes cibles, au counselling, à l'implication des médias, au préservatif.
This Declaration deals with HIV/AIDS control in prisons and examines general principles concerning the provision of care health in prisons and screening for HIV infection among prisoners. It examines issues of confidentiality, and the needs for effective IEC to promote safer sexual practices.
This document presents the Declaration adopted by consensus at the end of the first international meeting of organizations for the provision of funding for HIV/AIDS control. The objectives of the consultation were to identify and define problems of organization supporting HIV/AIDS control especially in areas relating to planning of strategies, organizational structures, communications and the creation of networks. It also fostered exchange of experiences to provide technical information in these fields and to find the means to improve coordination between WHO and AIDS organizations.
This document is the Declaration adopted by consensus at the end of a consultation on HIV, epidemiology and prostitution. The consultation was aimed at evaluating the potential role of prostitution in the transmission of HIV and at determining possible interventions based on the prevention of HIV infection among prostitutes and their clients.
This paper discusses the Tunis Declaration on AIDS and the Child in Africa made by the OAU Heads of State. In spite of previous concerted actions by the OAU Heads of State with regards to HIV/AIDS, the magnitude of the problem of the HIV infection and AIDS in most African countries is on the increase especially among African children who are the most vulnerable group. This fact and accompanying considerations are discussed.