Monitoring Global Education Development

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Haiti: Rebuilding schools after the 2010 earthquake.
© UNESCO/ E.Abramson

Monitoring and assessing progress towards the EFA goals set in 2000 is essential to shaping the post-2015 global education agenda. The Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR) is an authoritative, analytical, annual report monitoring progress towards the six EFA goals, and education-related Millennium Development Goals.

Drawing on the latest available data and evidence, it assesses the extent to which countries and the international community are meeting their respective commitments, and proposes policies and strategies to accelerate progress

Partnership with UNESCO on the monitoring of global education development is an opportunity to help:

  • inform and influence  the global development agenda at the highest level in order to accelerate progress towards the EFA goals by 2015;
  • promote dialogue on policies that advance the EFA goals nationally, regionally and internationally;
  • increase public awareness of the importance of education in the post-2015 development agenda. Forthcoming Reports will be instrumental in assessing progress towards internationally agreed upon post-2015 targets in education

Partners can also contribute to UNESCO’s efforts to monitor the transformation of the global development landscape and the implications that these changes have for educational policy and practice in the decades ahead. Foresight studies on education in a changing world aim to encourage public policy dialogue on the foundational principles that guide education policy in the 21st century.

The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults. At the World Education Forum (Dakar, 2000), 164 governments pledged to achieve EFA. The Dakar Framework for Action mandated UNESCO to coordinate these partners. As the leading agency, UNESCO focuses its activities on five key areas, including monitoring. It is in line with this mandate that the EFA Global Monitoring Report was hosted by UNESCO. The Report is developed by an independent team and published annually by UNESCO.

Looking ahead, the Joint Proposal of the EFA Steering Committee on education post-2015 recognizes that regular and independent monitoring to track progress at global level is fundamental and that mechanisms such as the EFA Global Monitoring Report should be maintained.

Beyond its monitoring role, UNESCO is also recognized in its function as a global observatory and think tank to re-vision education in the context of social transformation.  One of the finest products of UNESCO that reflects this visioning function is the landmark 1996 publication - Learning: The treasure within (or what is commonly referred to as the ‘Delors Report’. The current Rethinking Education in a Changing World initiative builds on this heritage of foresight studies in order to inspire educational policy dialogue in the context of global transformation.