The country is covered by the UNESCO office in Windhoek, Namibia.
South Africa is currently facing a difficult challenge: tackling a high national illiteracy rate. Besides promoting a more sturdy educational system, the country is also active in science and research. It is investing in the scientific and engineering sectors, and is a key participant at a large number of international conferences.
Below you can access the projects that are currently being implemented in the country within the framework of UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Sector.
- Water for human needs: Capacity-building towards improving groundwater for rural water supply in sub-Saharan Africa More
- Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) project in the Olifants Basin More
- Southern Africa Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (SA FRIEND)
- UNESCO Chair in Geohydrology, established in 1999 at the University of the Western Cape More
People, Biodiversity and Ecology
- Global Change and Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE)
- Sustainable Integrated Management and Development of the Arid and Semi-Arid Region of Southern Africa programme (SIMDAS)
- Biosphere Reserves (WNBRs)
- Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System programme (IOTWS)
- IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information exchange (IODE)
- OceanData and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA)
Earth Sciences
- Triassic Time and Trans-Panthalassan Correlations (IGCP, Project 467)
- GIS metallogeny of Central Asia (IGCP, Project 473)
- Sustainable Use of Platinum Group Elements (IGCP, Project 479)
- Geodynamics of the East African Rift System / Geophysical Characteristics and Evolution of the South-western Branch of the East African Rift System (IGCP, Project 482/489)
- The Boundaries of the West African Craton (IGCP, Project 485)
- Middle Palaeozoic vertebrate biogeography, palaeogeography and climate (IGCP, Project 491)
- The Rheic Ocean: Its origin, evolution, and correlatives (IGCP, Project 497)
- Dryland Change: Past, Present, Future (IGCP, Project 500)
- Ordovician palaeogeography and palaeoclimate (IGCP, Project 503)
- Marine and Non-marine Jurassic: Global correlation and major geological events (IGCP, Project 506)
- Palaeoproterozoic Supercontinents and Global Evolution (IGCP, Project 509)
- Global correlation of A-type granites and related rocks, their mineralization, and significance in lithospheric evolution (IGCP, Project 510)
- Neoproterozoic Ice Ages (IGCP, Project 512)
- Low-temperature thermochronology: applications and inter-laboratory calibration (IGCP, Project 543)
- Clays and clay minerals in Africa (IGCP, Project 545)
Basic Sciences
- Cross-disciplinary partnerships in promoting basic research and the use of scientific knowledge: Identification and prioritization of learning needs in science More
- Global Microscience Project (GPME)
- UNESCO Chair in Mathematics and Science Education, established in 1992 at the University of Western Cape within the framework of UTRECHT-UNITWIN Network for Southern Africa More
- UNESCO Chair in Biotechnology, established in 1999 at the University of Limpopo (former University of the North) More
Science Policy and Sustainable Development
- Establishing Science and Technology Parks More
Coast and Small Islands
- Development-conservation strategies for integrated coastal management in Maputaland (Mozambique, South Africa) More
Renewable and Alternative Energies
- Solar Village Programme More