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      Allgemeine Erklärung über Bioetik und Menschenrechte

Book edited by the German National Commission for UNESCO concerning human rights and bioethics within the framework of UNESCO Declarations in the field of bioethics.  More...


      Bioethics: International Implications
Proceedings of the Round Table of Ministers of Science (available free of charge from the Bioethics Section)  More...


  bioethics_ru_cover_tnail.gif     Bioethics: questions and answers [available in Russian only]
Judin, B.G. et al.
Booklet addressing main issues and implications in the area of bioethics. The brochure is the work of a group of authors - specialists in the field of biology, medicine and philosophy - dealing with theoretical and practical issues of ethics of science in the context of human rights.  More...


      Birth of the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights
Division of the Ethics of Science and Technology, UNESCO
Available free of charge from the Bioethics Section. This work retraces the various stages in the conception, development and formulation of the successive versions of the Declaration, while responding to the expectations of States and incorporating the findings of the consultation carried out among scientists, philosophers, lawyers, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and associations representative of society in all its diversity.  More...


  Classroom_Communication_tnail.gif     Classroom Communication: Use of emotional intelligence and non-verbal communication in ethics education at medical schools
Keidar, Daniella
A training manual on effective didactic communication for bioethics teachers at medical schools.  More...


  BIO_committee_couv_tnail.gif     Guide No. 1: Establishing Bioethics Committees
A guide to establishing bioethics committees. For ministers, policy advisers, members of professional and scientific research associations and members of bioethics committees. Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Turkish.  More...


  BIO_Comm_Guide2_tnail_en.gif     Guide No. 2: Bioethics Committees at Work: Procedures and Policies
A guide for chairpersons and members of Bioethics Committees in the consideration and evaluation of some key procedures and policies. Available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Turkish.  More...


  guide3_sm.gif     Guide No. 3: Educating bioethics committees
This Guide, like Guides 1 and 2, is specifically intended to foster bioethics education by providing support. Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.  More...


      Human Cloning - Ethical Issues
Available free of charge from the Bioethics Section.  More...


  Classroom_Communication_tnail.gif     Informed Consent
Carmi, Amnon (Ed.)
Collection of case studies on ethical issues of informed consent for medical students.  More...


  moral_games_sm50.gif     Moral Games for Teaching Bioethics
Macer, Darryl R.J.
"Bioethics, the Love of Life"  More...


  fuchs_tnail.gif     National ethics councils: Their backgrounds, functions and modes of operation compared
Fuchs, Michael
A study of the commonalities and differences between national ethics bodies. Europe is the main focus but examples from around the world are also given.  More...


  social_justice_sm.jpg     Social Justice in Healthcare: Bioethics and Human Rights
Collected materials and documents on the International Conference “Social Justice in Health Care” held in Moscow from 7 to 8 December 2005.  More...


      Teaching Ethics in Psychiatry: Case-vignettes
UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
Collection of case studies exploring ethical dilemmas in psychiatry. (available in English, Arabic and Hebrew)  More...


      The Ethics of Life
This first book in the UNESCO Ethics series describes the problems that the international community faces with regard to bioethics.  More...


  declaration_bioethics_hr_50px.jpg     The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights: Background, Principles and Application

This book gives descriptions and commentaries on each article of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights in order to contribute to the debate on the subject.  More...


  bioethics cover50.jpg     Women's Rights and Bioethics

This second book in the UNESCO Ethics series addresses the new forms of discrimination women face due to technological progress in biomedicine.  More...



  interview16_sm.jpg     Interview with Nouzha Guessous-Idrissi and Saadia Belmir: “Bioethics and women’s rights: a meeting of minds”
UNESCO - Sector for Social and Human Sciences - 2007-03
in SHSviews 16  More...


  m_jean_sm.jpg     Interview with Michèle Jean: the drafting of a declaration
UNESCO - Sector for Social and Human Sciences - 2005-04
in SHS Newsletter 08  More...


  m_jean_sm.jpg     Human dignity, key value of bioethics
Jeanette Blom - 2004-12
Science is becoming more and more universal. In order to respond to the questions raised by modern science, ethics must go global, with common points of reference established. IBC President Michèle Jean of Canada answers our questions.  More...



      Bioethics Core Curriculum, Section 1: Syllabus. Ethics Education Programme.
The UNESCO Bioethics Core Curriculum sets out to introduce the bioethical principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights to university students.  More...


      Report of the First UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtable (BBRT1)
Report of the first UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtable (11-15 September 2005), the purpose of which was to engage in an interactive dialogue over the priorities for bioethics and ethics of science and technology in Asia and the Pacific, with global implications.  More...


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IBC Documents
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Database of Ethics Institutions
Guide No. 2: Bioethics Committees at Work: Procedures and Policies Guide No. 2: Bioethics Committees at Work: Procedures and Policies

The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights: Background, Principles and Application The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights: Background, Principles and Application