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Guide No. 2: Bioethics Committees at Work: Procedures and Policies
Guide No. 2: Bioethics Committees at Work: Procedures and PoliciesA guide for chairpersons and members of Bioethics Committees in the consideration and evaluation of some key procedures and policies. Available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Turkish.
English | Français | Español | 中文 | Русский | Türkçe

This Guide, like Guide No.1, is intended to provide precisely what its title denotes: guidance. Guide No. 2 neither proffers a mere collection of internal procedures and policies nor advocates that Bioethics Committees adopt a particular set of procedures and policies to guide them when they convene. However, Guide No. 2 suggests that chairpersons and members of the four established forms of Bioethics Committees consider and evaluate certain procedures and policies to guide them in fulfilling their mandates. If requested, the Division of Ethics of Science and Technology of UNESCO can provide advice and consultation with respect to the procedures and policies that have already been successfully adopted by Bioethics Committees and that, when consistently followed over time, have served the Committees well in carrying out their general mandates and achieving their particular objectives.

See also

Author(s) UNESCO
Publication Date 10-04-2006
Publisher UNESCO
Publication Location Paris, France
Number of Pages 75 p.
Website for this book Website for this book
Languages English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Turkish
Keywords bioethics, ethics

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