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Les activités en communication et information

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Multilinguisme dans le cyberespace

Language constitutes the foundation of communication and is fundamental to cultural and historical heritage.
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education / Multilingualism on the Internet
With a focus on promoting universally shared values and a culturally sensitive diversification of educational contents and methods, UNESCO is working to promote quality education as a fundamental right for all by addressing a broad range of themes, which include respect for cultural and linguistic diversity.
International Journal on Multicultural Societies
The journal provides a platform for international, interdisciplinary and policy-related social science research in the fields of migration, multiculturalism, and minority rights. In the context of Initiative B@bel , the International Journal on Multicultural Societies has published analytical studies on multilingualism on the Internet to serve as input to evidence-based policy and technical measures.
Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace
The General Conference of UNESCO adopted the Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace
UNESCO Most Programme
To raise awareness about linguistic rights and to provide tools for decision-makers in governments, parliaments, and civil society, UNESCO's MOST Programme has collected the most relevant provisions in international conventions, declarations and multilateral treaties, which pertain to linguistic rights.
UNESCO Strategy for the Safeguarding of Endangered Languages
The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and the UN Resolution 56/262 both stress the need for urgent action to promote the linguistic diversity, as part of the world’s cultural diversity.