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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE). Final evaluation

    In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make young people, especially girls, vulnerable to a variety of risks such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs), and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). …

  2. Accessing the ‘right’ kinds of material and symbolic capital: the role of cash transfers in reducing adolescent school absence and risky behaviour in South Africa

    This article investigates how well South Africa’s Child Support Grant (CSG) responds to the material and psychosocial needs of adolescents, and the resultant effects on schooling and risky behaviour. One driver of schooling decisions is shame related to poverty and the ‘social cost’ of school, where a premium must often be paid for fashionable clothes or accessories. The other driver relates to symbolic and consumptive capital gained through engaging in sexual exchange relationships. The anticipated impacts from the CSG are partial because of these non-material drivers of adolescent choices. …

  3. Structural drivers and social protection: mechanisms of HIV risk and HIV prevention for South African adolescents

    Social protection is high on the HIV-prevention agenda for youth in sub-Saharan Africa. However, questions remain: How do unconditional cash transfers work? What is the effect of augmenting cash provision with social care? And can “cash plus care” social protection reduce risks for adolescents most vulnerable to infection? This study tackles these questions by first identifying mediated pathways to adolescent HIV risks and then examining potential main and moderating effects of social protection in South Africa.

  4. Making the case for investing in adolescent reproductive health: a review of evidence and PopPov research contributions

    Solid evidence on the links between preventing adolescent childbearing and alleviating poverty can motivate policymakers and donors to invest in reproductive health and family planning programs for youth. Research that documents the clear cause-and-effect relationship between program interventions and outcomes, such as better health and delayed childbearing among teens, can guide decisions about investments in research or programs. …

  5. Leave no one behind: gender, sexuality and the sustainable development goals: evidence report

    In an unprecedented move to eradicate disease, poverty and hunger, world leaders joined together in 2000 to sign into life the hotly contested but broadly agreed upon Millennium Development Goal (MDG) framework. In 2015, as the MDGs come to an end, a new generation of world leaders – government officials, donors and civil society organisations – have joined forces to articulate their vision for a future where all people can contribute to, and benefit from, an inclusive development framework. …

  6. Embarazo adolescente y oportunidades en América Latina y el Caribe: sobre maternidad temprana, pobreza y logros económicos

    El presente informe examina los factores asociados con el embarazo adolescente y la maternidad temprana y crea un marco para explorar estos temas de forma sistemática hacia el diseño de intervenciones efectivas en el marco de políticas en América L atina. El mensaje principal que este reporte pretende divulgar es que la pobreza y la falta de oportunidades son factores clave asociados a la maternidad temprana. …

  7. Gender tales from Africa: voices of children and women against discrimination

    The collection of these tales aims to provide relevant and experiential case studies for participants in gender-related courses in schools, colleges and universities, as well as in non-formal education settings. Most of the tales were written and tested by facilitators and learners during the annual 'Gender and Development in Southern Africa' course between 1998 and 2000. Several were also tested in a UNICEF workshop on 'Gender, Sexuality and HIV/ AIDS in Education', which was held in Malawi in July 2001. …

  8. Population Brief

    Articles from this issue : Making sexuality and HIV education programs more effective | Reducing adolescent girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence in sub-Saharan Africa | Developing a highly acceptable contraceptive vaginal ring | Creating a database of HIV prevention clinical trial terminology and translations.

  9. Improved access to education for orphans or vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS

    Children and youth affected by HIV/AIDS face many stressors and competing priorities regarding family, health, education, protection and economic stability. The policy environment created by the Dakar Framework for Action–Education for All created an entry point for governments to respond to the educational needs of orphans and vulnerable children based on locally driven context. The international community has made financial and programming resources available to support education for orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS at the country level. …

  10. Unintended pregnancies among young women living in urban slums: Evidence from a prospective study in Nairobi City, Kenya

    Background: Despite the significant proportion of young people residing in slum communities, little attention has been paid to the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges they face during their transition to adulthood within this harsh environment. Little is known about the extent to which living in extreme environments, like slums, impact SRH outcomes, especially during this key developmental period. …

  11. Pacific sexual health and well-being shared agenda 2015-2019

    The Pacific Sexual Health and Well-Being Shared Agenda 2015–2019 (the Shared Agenda) is a visionary document that provides guidance and strategic direction to strengthen the sexual health response in the Pacific region by shifting the focus from a single disease to a rights-based comprehensive approach to sexual health. …

  12. A review of interventions addressing structural drivers of adolescents' sexual and reproductive health vulnerability in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for sexual health programming

    Background: Young people particularly women are at increased risk of undesirable sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes. Structural factors have been reported as driving some of these risks. Although several interventions have targeted some of the structural drivers for adolescent’s SRH risk, little has been done to consolidate such work. This would provide a platform for coordinated efforts towards adolescent’s SRH. …

  13. Communication strategy: on the impact of HIV and AIDS on the prospects of attainment of other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Zambia, 2010-2015

    HIV/AIDS is universally recognized as a threat to development worldwide.Through consultations with stakeholders, NAC undertook to develop a communication strategy as part of national HIV/AIDS advocacy strategy to increase awareness about the evidence-informed linkage between MDG 6 and all other MDGs. The purpose of the Communication strategy is to build up the knowledge of the population regarding the linkages between HIV/AIDS and the MDGs. The strategy draws on the lessons from the twin and parallel work on documenting that linkage from 1990 to 2008.

  14. Hear our voices

    Thousands of girls claim they are embarrassed and ashamed to express the everyday injustices and threats of sexual violence they face, in ‘Hear Our Voices’ - one of the largest studies of adolescent girls’ rights of its kind. Plan International spoke directly with more than 7,000 girls and boys aged 12 to 16 in 11 countries across the world, as part of its Because I am a Girl campaign for girls’ rights. The study’s results bring the daily realities of girls into vivid colour. …

  15. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are key to global development: The case for ramping up investment

    Over the last three years, the international community of civil society advocates, policymakers, donors and multilateral agencies has devoted enormous resources to negotiate and shape a new global development agenda for adoption at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in September 2015. This post-2015 development framework will build on the Millennium Development Goals, the current UN roadmap for tackling the world’s problems related to poverty, development and sustainability set to expire later this year. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.