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HIV affects everyone, even young people. The activities they will do in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase their knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV, such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what makes it hard to achieve these hopes and goals.
This Policy and its Strategic Plan will serve to guide interventions concerning Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, particulary to respond to challenges related to HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregrancies.
In this booklet you can learn more about the re-entry policy guidelines and what actions you can take to ensure that all children, including young mothers, get their right to education fulfilled.
Research evidence shows that education and health are closely linked. So promoting the health and wellbeing of pupils and students within schools and colleges has the potential to improve their educational outcomes and their health and wellbeing outcomes. This briefing draws on a rapid review approach that provides a broad, succinct scope of the scientific evidence. The complexity of the interrelationships between outcomes makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about causality. …
Los estudios sobre le impacto que tiene la educación básica en el desarollo de las mujeres y sus familias confirman la necesidad de focalizar y especializar la atención a la diversidad de condiciones, situaciones y contextos que el estudiantado vive a lo largo de sus trayectorias escolares. La presente investigación hace referencia a une de esos casos; el ejercicio de la sexualidad y el acontecimiento de los embarazos tempranos.
El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal el realizar un estudio comparado sobre la situación actual de la legislación en relación a la prevención del embarazo adolescente y el matrimonio temprano en la región de América Latina y El Caribe, que destaque la legislación existente y su nivel de adecuación en comparación a los estándares de derechos humanos en la materia.
In response to the recommendations from the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy in 2013, the Scottish Government committed to producing a Teenage Pregnancy and Young Parents Strategy. …
What programs delay sexual initiation, improve contraceptive use among sexually active teens, and/or prevent teen pregnancy? Over the years, The National Campaign has produced and disseminated a number of detailed reports and publications designed to answer this question. Here, in shorthand form, is an overview of what is known about carefully evaluated interventions that help delay sex, improve contraceptive use, and/or prevent teen pregnancy.
Le présent document de Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Santé Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Adolescents et Jeunes y compris le VIH/sida est une initiative du Ministère de la Santé avec l’appui des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) notamment l’UNFPA, l’OMS, l’UNICEF, ONUSIDA et l’USAID. Il se veut un document d’orientation des interventions et de plaidoyer pour la mobilisation des partenaires sociaux ainsi que des ressources du Gouvernement et des PTF en vue de la mise en oeuvre des principales orientations nationales en SRAJ/VIH/sida. …
This Order aims to: provide a strategic framework for the Adolescent Health Program that is anchored on Universal Health Care, and provide policy direction and guidance for DOH offices, its attached agencies, LGU's, and development partners in prioritizing interventions for adolescent health.
The Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development (ARHD) Policy is a foundation for initiatives in Kenya that integrate reproductive health and development concerns for adolescents and youth into the national development process, and enhance their participation in that process. Given the increase in the number of stakeholders and programs focused on ARHD in Kenya over the last decade, and with two years before the end of the ARHD Policy timeframe, stakeholders in Kenya recognized the need to assess implementation of the policy. …
Results from a randomized experiment conducted with teenage schoolgirls in Cameroon suggest that HIV prevention interventions can be effective at reducing the incidence of teen pregnancy in the following 9-12 months by over 25 percent.
The Department of Health (DOH) embarked on a Project entitled Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy as part of its Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program. The Project generally aims to contribute to the reduction of adolescent pregnancy through behavior change communication strategies. It specifically seeks to promote positive and responsible sexual behavior among adolescents to enable them to prevent early and unintended adolescent pregnancy and its concomitant consequences. …
All In! to #EndAdolescentAIDS is a platform for action and collaboration to inspire a social movement to drive better results with and for adolescents through critical changes in programmes and policy. It aims to unite actors across relevant sectors in order to accelerate reductions in AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections among adolescents by 2020 as part of the global push to end the AIDS epidemic for all by 2030. …
This document sets out how we want to build on the key planks of the existing Strategy so that all young people: receive the information, advice and support they need – from parents, teachers and other professionals – to deal with pressure to have sex; enjoy positive and caring relationships; and experience good sexual health; and can access and know how to use contraception effectively when they do reach the stage that they become sexually active, so they can avoid unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). …