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Discrimination, stigmatisation and denial have been recognized as important issues to be addressed in the context of HIV/AIDS. Discrimination against those living with HIV/AIDS, or presumed to be infected, is a violation of human rights. All individuals deserve equal respect and dignity, whatever their situation and whatever their status. This key Material describes the findings from a study of the nature, determinants and the effects of HIV/AIDS-related discrimination, stigmatization and denial in India. …
Efforts to tackle stigma and discrimination have been constrained by the complexity and deep rooted nature of the problem. This paper argues that we need a new way of thinking about stigma and discrimination to improve our ability both to analyze the processes that produce stigma and discrimination and to address these processes. We need to acknowledge the way in which HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination interact with and reinforce pre-existing stigma and discrimination associated with sexuality, gender, race, and poverty. …
This report clearly illustrates the powerful and negative effects of stigma on those affected by HIV/AIDS. The stories from children are particularly powerful and impacting. This report aims to put across the message that combating HIV/AIDS requires a strong and coordinated reponse from all sectors of society.
This article deals with how cultural taboos and stigmas related to sex, and STDs can be a stumbling block in finding out the truth why people delay seeking attention after realising or suspecting (STD's). This study assists program planners to help in the control of sexual transmitted diseases and HIV.