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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Adding it up: The costs and benefits of investing in sexual and reproductive health

    To help decision-makers evaluate the investments needed in developing countries, this report provides new estimates, for 2014, of the needs for and costs and benefits of sexual and reproductive health interventions in three key areas: Contraceptive services; Maternal, newborn and other pregnancy-related care; Selected services related to HIV and other STIs for women of reproductive age. …

  2. Risk for coerced sex among female youth in Ghana: Roles of family context, school enrollment and relationship experience

    CONTEXT: A better understanding is needed of the variables that may influence the risk of experiencing coerced sex among adolescent females in Sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: Data were collected from 700 female respondents who were interviewed in 2010 and 2012 waves of a longitudinal study of behavioral risk for HIV infection among youth aged 13–14 or 18–19 and living in two towns in southeastern Ghana. …

  3. Evidence for gender responsive actions to prevent violence: Young people’s health as a whole-of-society response

    The publication summarizes current knowledge on what works in preventing and managing violence. It is part of a series that includes social and emotional well-being, chronic conditions and disabilities, adolescent pregnancy, HIV/STIs, overweight and obesity, violence, injuries and substance abuse. The publication assumes the position that young people’s health is the responsibility of the whole society, and that interventions need to be gender responsive in order to be successful. …

  4. Experiências em educação preventiva ao uso de drogas: a experiência do Brasil

    Crianças e adolescentes frequentemente são vítimas da violência estrutural que caracteriza países como o Brasil – marcado por grande desigualdade – e passíveis de sofrer violação de seus direitos humanos mais elementares: à vida, à saúde, à alimentação, à educação, à segurança, ao lazer, entre outros. Apesar de vulneráveis, esses jovens são vistos por parte da população como ameaça. …

  5. HIV and adolescents: focus on young key populations

    Adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for HIV due to the many developmental, psychological, social, and structural transitions that converge in this period of the lifespan. In addition, adolescent deaths resulting from HIV continue to rise despite declines in other age groups. There are also young key populations (YKPs) that bear disproportionate burdens of HIV and are the most vulnerable, including young men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender youth, young people who inject drugs, and adolescent and young adult sex workers. …

  6. Community-academic partnerships in HIV-related research: a systematic literature review of theory and practice

    Introduction: Community involvement in HIV research has increased over recent years, enhancing community-academic partnerships. Several terms have been used to describe community participation in research. Clarification is needed to determine whether these terms are synonymous or actually describe different research processes. In addition, it remains unclear if the role that communities play in the actual research process follows the recommendations given in theoretical frameworks of community-academia research. …

  7. Cross-generational and transactional sexual relations in Uganda: Income poverty as a risk factor for adolescents

    The phenomenon of cross-generational sex – defined as sexual relationships between an adolescent girl and a partner who is older, usually by 10 or more years – can be linked to many life-long consequences. …

  8. Intersectionality of HIV stigma and masculinity in eastern Uganda: implications for involving men in HIV programmes

    Background: Stigma is a determinant of social and health inequalities. In addition, some notions of masculinity can disadvantage men in terms of health outcomes. However, few studies have explored the extent to which these two axes of social inequality intersect to influence men’s health outcomes. This paper investigates the intersection of HIV stigma and masculinity, and its perceived impact on men’s participation in and utilisation of HIV services in Uganda. Methods: Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted in Mbale and Jinja districts of Uganda between June and October 2010. …

  9. Sexuality education: Emerging trends in evidence and practice

    The International Conference on Population and Development and related resolutions have repeatedly called on governments to provide adolescents and young people with comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Drawing from these documents, reviews and meta-analyses of program evaluations, and situation analyses, this article summarizes the elements, effectiveness, quality, and country-level coverage of CSE. Throughout, it highlights the matter of a gender and rights perspective in CSE. …

  10. The African report on violence against children

    The report aims to inform and accelerate pan-African, regional and national efforts to prevent and respond to the violence perpetrated against children. its continent-wide focus on the experiences of African children is unique, as is its analysis of the interaction and effect of African beliefs, behaviours and attitudes on violence committed against children. The report also aims to recognise and highlight progress achieved to date not only in the evolving understanding of the problem, but also in relation to improved actions for prevention and response. …

  11. National sexual health strategy 2011

    The objectives of this strategy include: Determining and providing educational, social and support services that match the prevalent needs by an appropriately resourced, competent and skilled workforce working within a supportive environment; Determining and providing adequate, accessible and equitable health services that match the prevalent needs by an appropriately resourced, competent and skilled workforce working within a supportive environment; Identification of the role and contribution of the media as a tool to inform and educate all the members of the population on all aspects of sexu …

  12. Sexual health media resource pack

    The Sexual Health Strategy identifies the media as a means to communicate on sexual health in an effective and responsible way. Evidence shows that the media is a useful means to provide information to the general public. The type of media used will depend on the identified target audience. Unbalanced or inaccurate media messages can lead to pressures and confusion over the realities of sex and sexuality particularly for young people. Hence we cannot stop emphasizing the need and importance of the media to be trained on where to seek reliable sources of information and advice. …

  13. Sexual and reproductive health and rights – a crucial agenda for the post-2015 framework

    This report provides a compelling case for why sexual and reproductive health and rights must form essential priorities in the post-2015 framework. It examines sexual and reproductive health and rights within the global context, as well as highlighting the particular advocacy challenges, wins and opportunities that regions face. …

  14. Programa de acción específicos 2007-2012: Escuela y salud

    Para consolidar la transformación de nuestra sociedad, la educación y la salud son instrumentos necesarios para el desarrollo nacional, y base para combatir la pobreza y la desigualdad. Un programa de educación y salud puede ser una de las estrategias más exitosas en cuanto a beneficios de costo-efectividad para el país, ya que contribuye en el desarrollo y el futuro de los mexicanos; generando cambios en las condiciones educativas, sociales, económicas y políticas. …

  15. National HIV prevention policy Swaziland

    The overall goal of this policy is to promote an enabling environment for the scaling up of biomedical and non-biomedical HIV prevention interventions to reduce the HIV incidence in Swaziland. The overall objective of this policy is to halt and reduce HIV infection in Swaziland. More specifically, it seeks to guide programmatic, institutional and social responses in priority and other strategic intervention areas for HIV prevention. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.