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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Prevalence and correlates of sexual risk behaviors among Jamaican adolescents

    Despite high levels of sexual activity and risk behaviors among Jamaican youth, few population-based studies have examined their prevalence or correlates. The prevalence of three sexual risk behaviors was assessed using data from the 2008-2009 Jamaican Reproductive Health Survey on a subsample of adolescents aged 15-19 who neither were in a union nor had a child. Factors associated with the risk behaviors were examined separately for females and males, using bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression. …

  2. Politica da Universidad catolica de Moçambique sobre HIV/SIDA

    Esta política tem quatro componentes principais: 1. Direitos e responsabilidades de funcionários e estudantes afectados e infectados pelo HIV/SIDA. 2. Prestação de serviços de prevenção, cuidados e apoio dentro do campus universitário. 3. Integração do HIV/SIDA no ensino, na pesquisa e na prestação de serviços de todas as faculdades, centros e unidades da universidade. 4. Implementação da política: estruturas, procedimentos, monitoria e revisão da política.

  3. Unidades didácticas para el tratamiento de la diversidad afectivo-sexual en el área de Religión Católica

    Las unidades didácticas que aquí se presentan van dirigidas al profesorado de la asignatura de Religión Católica así como a todas aquellas personas que, por su labor educativa o pastoral necesiten plantear, desde una visión religiosa, la dimensión afectivo-sexual de las relaciones humanas en toda su diversidad. Se pretende dotar a estos profesionales de instrumentos de reflexión para trabajar con adolescentes y profundizar, de manera práctica y eficaz, en la comprensión y la vivencia de una sexualidad sana y saludable desde una perspectiva de vida cristiana. …

  4. Making It Happen: a guide to help your congregation do HIV/AIDS work

    Ce manuel est conçu pour aider les leaders des églises et des assemblées de fidèles à développer et mettre en oeuvre un projet (lancement, planification, exécution, suivi et évaluation) pour apporter une réponse concrète à certains des défis du VIH et du SIDA. Il propose également un exemple d'atelier.

  5. Time to talk: a guide to family life in the age of AIDS

    Ce manuel permet aux organisations confessionnelles et communautés d'avoir des discussions sur la vie de famille et les relations sexuelles dans le contexte global de l'épidémie de VIH. Il comprend des jeux de rôle, des jeux, des questionnaires, des discussions, des études de la Bible et autres exercices avec participation active.

  6. Positive Voices: Religious leaders living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS

    This booklet brings together the experiences of 14 African religious leaders - 12 Christians and two Muslims - who are either living with HIV or are personally affected by HIV and AIDS. The contents of this booklet are a source of inspirational experiences which individual readers can use for personal information, or to refer to in presentations, articles, sermons, interviews or workshops.

  7. Community Action on HIV and AIDS

    This handbook is designed to help church leaders in dealing with social, cultural and economic issues related to the AIDS epidemic at community level. It contains sections on topics such as the sexual abuse of children, domestic violence, widow inheritance and property grabbing by relatives-issues which have been exacerbated in many African countries by the AIDS epidemic.

  8. Pastoral Action on HIV and AIDS

    This handbook contains guidelines for running a training course for churches on pastoral action in response to HIV and AIDS. It also includes case studies of the work of several leaders of Africa independent churches which have responded in particulary innovative ways to the challenges of the AIDS epidemic.

  9. Call to Me: How the Bible speaks in the age of AIDS

    This pratical handbook consists of 20 Bible studies on topics related to HIV and AIDS, e.g. sex and sexuality; healing; death, grief and mourning; stigma, discrimination and denial; church leadership; marriage; fear and anxiety; and children. It is designed for use by churches, faith-based organisations, NGOs and community groups, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.

  10. El Sexo en los Tiempos del Sida: Guía para los Católicos

    El principal propósito de este folleto es ayudar a los católicos que se esfuerzan por encontrar respuestas a preguntas relacionadas con la fe, la conciencia, la sexualidad y el uso de los condones para prevenir el VIH. …

  11. Finding courage in faith. Religious leaders challenge stigma and mobilize a faith-based response to HIV in Kenya

    In 2004, a group of 44 religious leaders came together to found the Kenya Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV/AIDS (KENERELA+). The POLICY Project collaborated with World Vision to help establish the network. KENERELA+'s mission is to support religious leaders and stimulate a more active response to HIV within religious communities. The group seeks to equip, empower, and engage religious leaders living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS to live positively and openly as agents of hope and change.

  12. The role of religious communities in addressing gender-based violence and HIV

    This report summarizes the USAID project titled "The Role of Religious Communities in Addressing Gender-based Violence and HIV". Recognizing the importance of collaborating to prevent and reduce gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV among women and girls, the Initiative partners formulated the project to improve the capacity of religious leaders and faith-based organizations (FBOs) to respond to GBV and its links to HIV. FBOs, religious communities and, in particular, religious leaders, are often key catalysts for positive social change. …

  13. Cadre stratégique national de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST 2009-2013

    Le Cadre Stratégique National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA 2009-2013 (CSN 2009-2013) constitue le document d'orientation de la réponse du Congo à l'épidémie du VIH/SIDA pendant les cinq prochaines années. Le CSN 2009-2013 s'inscrit dans la perspective de consolidation, capitalisation des acquis de la réponse nationale au VIH/SIDA, et de l'élargissement de la réponse en vue de l'accès universel aux services de prévention, de soins et de traitement et d'appui, en cohérence avec la stratégie nationale de réduction de la pauvreté. …

  14. Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in Theological Education: Experiences and Explorations

    The book is divided into two sections. Section A has a historical focus. Chapters in this section seek to highlight achievements and challenges in theological institutions' engagement with the HIV pandemic. Section B of the book illustrates the scope that remains for experimenting with the inclusion of HIV and AIDS in various courses in theology and religious studies.

  15. Engaging Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention: A Training Manual for Programme Managers

    This manual is a capacity-building tool to help policy makers and programmers identify, design and follow up on HIV prevention programmes undertaken by FBOs. The manual explores how religious values and the power of religious leaders to mobilize communities can be used to design effective and sustainable community programmes to address HIV. It explains how to involve religious leaders in programmes to eliminate the stigma and discrimination often directed to people living with HIV and how to encourage community support and solidarity using the compassionate spirit of religion. …

Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.