Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, 2010. 30 p.
Tanzania UR. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
These National Quality Improvement (QI) Guidelines for HIV and AIDS Services are arranged into seven sections. The first section provides background information, regarding HIV and AIDS services in Tanzania. The second section presents the rationale of having these guidelines. Section three explains the objective, target audience and content of the guidelines. The quality improvement concepts and definitions feature in section four, while section five presents the QI approaches used for HIV and AIDS and other health services in Tanzania. The sixth section covers specific roles and responsibilities for each level of health care. Section seven is about the actual implementation of QI at national, regional, district and health facility level, taking core QI activities into account. Section seven also contains a log-frame, outlining the implementation of activities at all levels. Its appendices have a list of operational HIV and AIDS guidelines, and the specific tools that have been developed, to facilitate QI implementation.
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