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This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Indonesia. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Indonesia. …
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Cambodia. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Cambodia. …
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Papua New Guinea. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Papua New Guinea. …
Despite the potentially extremely serious impacts of HIV/AIDS on education in Malawi, very little attention had been devoted to this fundamentally important problem. No robust research had been undertaken that systematically analyses all key quantitative and qualitative impacts of the epidemics on education. The study focused on three key questions: A) How has the HIV/AIDS epidemic affected primary and secondary schooling? B) What would be the likely impacts of the epidemic on education provision during the next 10-15 years? C) What should be done to mitigate these impacts?
This paper analyzes the relationship between orphan status, household wealth, and child school enrollment using data collected in the 1990s from 28 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, with one country in Southeast Asia. The findings point to considerable diversity - so much so that generalizations are not possible. While there are some examples of large differentials in enrollment by orphan status, in the majority of cases the orphan enrollment gap is dwarfed by the gap between children from richer and poorer households. …
Strengthening the rights of the child is a priority area for SADC-EU cooperation. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the SADC countries places many of these rights in jeopardy, among them the right to education.
Zambia is currently experiencing one of the worst HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world, one result being that between one-third and one-quarter of the children aged below 15 have lost one or both parents. The high rate of orphanhood and the demographic, economic and social effects of HIV/AIDS work synergistically to affect education in various ways. Demand is reduced. Supply and the resource base are jeopardised. A large section of the potential clientele for schooling is forced into activities that are not compatible with regular school attendance. …
We invesitigated the impact of HIV/AIDS on athe attainment of basic education in Kenya. The following policy-related questions were addressed: What are the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on education-performance indicators (e.g. rates of enrollment, dropping out, absenteeism, grade-level/course repetition, and transition) in primary and secondary schools? Does HIV/AIDS affect teacher attrition (retirements, deaths, illness, and absenteeism) in Kenya? What policies and strategies has the government implemented in the education sector to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic? …
This report evaluates Norway's and Sweden's aid interventions with regards to the right of the child during the last ten years. Taking the cue from the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) reports, the interventions are timely and filling gaps in the government's own efforts to implement the CRC. The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess both the results of interventions and the processes that lead to outcomes, including the efficacy of the procedures and tools that Norwegian and Swedish aid agencies employ in support of child rights. …
The purpose of this document is to inform the development of appropriate responses for children affected by HIV and AIDS. It builds on the principles and approaches from the 2004 Framework for the Protection, Care and Support of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living in a World with HIV and AIDS, bringing in new evidence from academic analysis and programmatic experience, and translating evidence into normative guidance for policymakers and programmers. …
Violent conflict is one of the greatest development challenges facing the international community. Beyond the immediate human suffering it causes, it is a source of poverty, inequality and economic stagnation. Children and education systems are often on the front line of violent conflict. The 2011 Global Monitoring Report examines the damaging consequences of conflict for the Education for All goals. …
For the goals of Education for All (EFA) to be achieved, children must be healthy enough not only to attend school but also to learn while there. Because school health and nutrition programs specifically benefit poor, sick, and hungry children, they can make a key contribution to achieving EFA's goals. However, children can benefit only if the programs reach them. …
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Dominican Republic. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Dominican Republic. …
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in jamaica. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Jamaica. …
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in Nigeria. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in Nigeria. …