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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Processus de formulation du nouveau cadre stratégique 2009-2013. Belle illustration de l'approche participative des acteurs de lutte contre le sida dans la validation du rapport d'analyse de la situation nationale de l'épidémie et de la revue du CSN 2003-2007

    Processus de formulation du nouveau cadre stratégique 2009-2013. Belle illustration de l'approche participative des acteurs de lutte contre le sida dans la validation du rapport d'analyse de la situation nationale de l'épidémie et de la revue du CSN 2003-2007 est un numéro du bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST. Ce document se présente sous la forme d'un petit journal, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. …

  2. Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is a short informational brief focusing on young adolescents across the world and their needs to know about their bodies and their sexual rights and responsibilities. It aims to inform policymaking on the importance to include 10-14 years old adolescents in programs and policy regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights. The document states that all young people need information and skills to protect themselves from harm and to make free, informed, and responsible sexual and reproductive decisions. …

  3. Plano Integrado de Enfrentamento da Feminização da Epidemia de Aids e outras DST

    Plano Integrado de Enfrentamento da Feminização da Epidemia de Aids e outras DST e um documento elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil em 2007. Resultado de uma parceria que procurou reunir esforços e alçar voo a partir da articulação intersetorial e da participação de parceiras/os da sociedade civil, o Plano tem como elemento fundamental o enfrentamento das múltiplas vulnerabilidades que contribuem para que as mulheres brasileiras estejam mais suscetíveis à infecção pelo HIV e a outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. …

  4. HIV Prevention and Sex Education in Minnesota: What's Being Taught in the Classroom

    HIV Prevention and Sex Education in Minnesota: What's Being Taught in the Classroom is a report providing the results from the 2006 Health Implementation Survey Safe and Healthy Learners Unit HIV Prevention Program from the Minnesota Department of Education. This report attempts to provide some insight into what is taught to Minnesota's public school students in sexuality education classes. …

  5. Not Yet: Programs to delay first sex among teens

    Not Yet: Programs to Delay First Sex Among Teens is part of the National Campaign's "Putting What Works to Work" project, an effort to publish and disseminate the latest research on teen pregnancy in straightforward, easy-to-understand language and provide clear implications for policy, programs, and parents. It provides detailed descriptions of teen pregnancy prevention programme that have been shown through careful research to have delayed sexual initiation for teens. …

  6. The sexual and reproductive health of young Victorians

    The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Victorians is a report resulting from a collaborative project between the Family Planning Victoria, the Royal Women's Hospital and the Centre for Adolescent Health in Victoria, Australia. The goal of the project was to further the community's understanding of young Victorians' sexual and reproductive health - and to propose ways in which it might be improved. …

  7. What education leaders should know about HIV and AIDS and school-aged youth

    Education leaders play a crucial role in promoting wellness among schoolaged youth. This short publication provides mainstream information related to the prevention strategies for HIV and AIDS in the USA.

  8. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice linked to HIV Prevention in Young Children and Adolescents

    This study covers children and young people living in vulnerable communities in high resettlement areas and a high-density poor peri-urban area in Luanda. The study carried out over three months highlighted that low levels of awareness and a lack of information in terms of quality reproductive and sexual health, within both rural and urban communities, is compounded by a lack of resources within social sectors. Young girls, the disabled and those involved or impacted upon by conflict are particularly vulnerable. …

  9. Reproductive Health of Arab Young People

    Reproductive Health of Arab Young People is a short article written by J. DeJong of the Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, and G- El-Khoury of Unicef Middle East and North Africa Region from Amman, Jordan, in 2006. It presents the current situation in the Arab region regarding sexual and reproductive services and information. It shows that cultural taboos are still limiting young people's access, especially for those unmarried, to integrated health services including contraception for sexually active adolescents and health education. …

  10. Family life and HIV/AIDS education (FLHE) in schools in Enugu State: Baseline study of reproductive health issues among in-school adolescents in Enugu State

    Family Life and HIV/AIDS Education (FLHE) in Schools in Enugu State: Baseline Study of Reproductive Health Issues among In-School Adolescents in Enugu State is a research article written in 2009. It refers to a studies made on the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge and practices among junior secondary school grades 1 and 3 students Enugu State, preparatory to incorporating family life and HIV/AIDS education (FLHE) into the school curricula in the state. Results show that over 90% of the respondents were regularly involved in sexual activities. …

  11. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Behaviour in Dodowa, Ghana

    This report presents findings from a study of sexual and reproductive health status of inschool and out-of-school adolescents in Dodowa, Ghana, carried out in 2001. The research aim was to help design a program to address adolescents' unmet needs and promote safer behaviours. The research design used both qualitative and quantitative methods, including focus group discussions, PLA techniques and surveys. Students of Junior and Senior Secondary Schools, out-of-school adolescents, teachers, parents and community opinion leaders were included in the study.

  12. Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents perinatally infected with HIV in Uganda

    Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents perinatally infected with HIV in Uganda is a study implemented jointly by Population Council's Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) and the AIDS Support Organization (TASO) from Uganda, in 2008. The document addresses the specific sexual and reproductive needs of the adolescents perinatally infected, an increasing population largely forgotten the HIV/AIDS treatment, care, education and support programs. …

  13. Educar para uma vida melhor. Guia do Professor: Versão Final

    Educar para uma vida melhor. Guia do Professor é um documento elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação Nacional da República da Guiné-Bissau, Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação (INDE) e UNESCO-UNFPA. …

  14. In harm's way: the impact of Kenya's restrictive abortion law

    This report is based on research and interviews conducted by the Center between June 2009 and February 2010. The Center gathered the experiences of 59 women through a combination of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. This report proposes specific recommendations to all partners involved in abortion-related issues included the Government of Kenya.

  15. Social marketing for health and family planning: Building on tradition and popular culture in Niger

    Publication qui décrit un projet de marketing social au Niger. Le marketing social applique des méthodes de marketing commercial pour améliorer les connaissances, modifier les comportements et encourager certaines pratiques, notamment l'utilisation de contraceptifs pour améliorer la santé publique. L'article passe en revue les méthodes et activités du projet.


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.