2009. 3 p.
Li, L. P.
Chow, K. W.
Griffiths, S.
Zhang, L.
Lam, J.
Kim, J. H.
Periodical title: 
Journal of American College Health, 57, (5): 549-551
Objective: University-based peer health education is a recent development in China. The authors evaluated a newly implemented program in the Guangdong province. Participants and Methods: In September 2006, the authors conducted a crosssectional study using self-administered questionnaires on 30 peer educators and 247 students. Results: All peer educators and the majority of student respondents positively evaluated the program. Although students preferred to seek health information online, approximately one-quarter of the student respondents would contact peer educators. Third-year students were more than twice as likely (29.1%) to contact peer educators than were fourth-year students (13.1%). The peer educators perceived diet, physical activity, safer sex, and mental health as the most relevant student health topics. Peer educators cited acquiring factual information and medical skills, rather than personal development, as the most important things learned from the program. Conclusions: Despite some promising results, Western-based peer education models may require cultural adaptation for greater effectiveness in China.
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