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Students learn best in schools that provide safety and social support. However, some young people experience violence and harassment in, around, and on the way to school. This includes gender-based violence (GBV), which can take many different forms. As a teacher, you can play an important role in preventing the expression of gender-based violence in the school setting. …
Within the UN system, UNESCO has been examining SOGIE-based bullying, violence and discrimination in education globally since 2011. This report aims to clarify the situation, the response, and the need for further action in the Asia-Pacific region to ensure inclusive school environments for all learners. …
À partir de résultats tirés d’une enquête par questionnaire auprès de 2747 élèves de l’école secondaire québécoise et d’entrevues auprès de jeunes s’identifiant comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ) ou comme trans, cet article propose une réflexion sur les violences prenant pour cible l’expression de genre à l’école. Plus du tiers des élèves s’identifiant comme hétérosexuels rapportent avoir été victimes de violences parce qu’on pense qu’ils sont, ou parce qu’ils sont gais. C’est également le cas de plus des deux tiers des élèves LGBQ. …
The author analyzes how three dimensions of the school system: school climate, formal curriculum and teaching practices influence the school experiences of LGBT youth. Rendering schooling more inclusive and less discriminatory implies understanding and taking action on each of these dimensions. The arguments are organized in three angles : Angle 1. The truth about homophobia and gender-based violence in education; Angle 2. LGBT-inclusive education; Angle 3. Teachers dealing with sexual diversity.
In 2009 the Department of Education and Skills and GLEN – Gay and Lesbian Equality Network issued guidance to schools on sexual orientation issues - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Students: Guidance for Principals and School Leader. The guidelines suggest that school policies should expressly include reference to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students. To complement the Guidance and to support the recommended inclusion of LGBT students NAPD and GLEN have developed this resource with the cooperation of the Department of Education and Skills.
From Statehouse to Schoolhouse: Anti-Bullying Policy Efforts in U.S. States and School Districts fills an important gap in our understanding by examining: The prevalence of anti-bullying policies in all U.S. …
In December 2011 UNESCO convened an international consultation to address school bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression with ministries and departments of education and academia from more than 25 countries, UN agencies, and non-government organizations (NGOs). The findings of the consultation were combined into a publication entitled Education Sector Responses to Homophobic Bullying. …
Titles from this issue: Associations between peer victimization and academic performance; The biological underpinnings of peer victimization: understanding why and how the effects of bullying can last a lifetime; Cyberbullying: what does research tell us?; Teacher–student agreement on “bullies and kids they pick on” in elementary school classrooms: gender and grade differences; Understanding homophobic behavior and its implications for policy and practice; The influence of psychosocial factors on bullying involvement of students with disabilities; The role of social-emotional learning in bully …
This resource enables teachers to explore the human rights of sexual minority groups with children and young people. LGBTI stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people. These activities are designed to enable young people to use language positively, to celebrate diversity and tolerance. Teachers of primary, secondary and FE students can look at the suggested age-range of each activity and select appropriately for their students. Activities meet statutory curricular requirements across the UK.
In June 2015, the UNAIDS IATT on Education, convened by UNESCO, presented evidence and explored promising approaches to support girls’ participation in quality education at a symposium entitled Good Quality Education For Adolescent Girls For An Aids-Free Future. …
The purpose of this document is to provide the most up to date scientific information on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of adolescents in Cyprus, in order to highlight the necessity for mandatory Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) at all levels of school education. SRHR is a general term, which we break down into specific areas so that the most recent data for each area can be given. This document is structured in a way that illuminates relationships between specific outcomes of SRHR and factors that affect those outcomes. …
This guidance represents the action and commitment that the Church of England is taking to stamp out homophobic stereotyping and bullying for the children and young people educated in our schools.
This Order aims to: provide a strategic framework for the Adolescent Health Program that is anchored on Universal Health Care, and provide policy direction and guidance for DOH offices, its attached agencies, LGU's, and development partners in prioritizing interventions for adolescent health.
The purpose of these procedures is to give direction and guidance to school authorities and school personnel in preventing and tackling school-based bullying behaviour amongst its pupils and in dealing with any negative impact within school of bullying behaviour that occurs elsewhere. These procedures apply to all recognised primary and post primary schools and to centres for education (as defined in the Education Act 1998) which are attended by pupils under the age of 18 years.
The purpose of this study is to assess teachers’ attitudes regarding homophobia and homophobic bullying. This study also aims to learn about teachers’ needs and their experience with the issue of homophobia in their daily work.