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Les jeunes burkinabè se heurtent à des difficultés majeures en termes de santé sexuelle et de reproduction. Dans un contexte où il est difficile d'accéder à des informations et à des soins adaptés, un grand nombre d'entre eux doivent faire face à des grossesses non désirées et à risques ou encore aux infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) dont le VIH/sida. Si dans leur très grande majorité, les adolescents ont déjà entendu parler du VIH/sida et de la contraception, leur niveau d'information est très bas et peu d'entre eux disposent des aptitudes nécessaires pour se protéger. …
O presente documento, o PNCS II, vem pois responder à necessidade de assegurar a continuidade dos ciclos de planificação. O PNCS II é concebido como um Plano de médio termo e visa cobrir o horizonte temporal 2004 - 2009. Porém algumas das projecções que ele comporta estendem-se pelos próximos 10 anos. …
The paper examines the degree to which orphans and other vulnerable children is addressed in national development instruments in eastern and southern Africa, assuming that integration brings tangible benefits for orphans and vulnerable children. …
This paper examines the social and economic impact of poverty and HIV/AIDS on households. Central to understanding the social and economic impact of poverty and HIV is to understand what goes on in the household that is affected by the disease. This paper tries to understand the dynamics that arise when the household is HIV affected. As much as HIV/AIDS exacerbates poverty through morbidity and mortality of productive adults, poverty facilitates the transmission of HIV. …
The education sector, very large cadre of government employees, faces impacts of HIV/AIDS both on supply and demand sides. On the supply side, HIV/AIDS affects education because of the loss of trained teachers and the reduced productivity of relevant personnel (teachers, administrators, management, etc.) through illness, caring for infected family members, and participation in funerals. …
This policy provides the framework for responding to the concerns and needs of orphans and other vulnerable children. …
The 2002-2006 National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan is a follow-up to the previous 1997-2001 Medium Term Plan, and takes into account the expanded response to HIV/AIDS in the region as well as the worsening epidemic in Jamaica. It has also recognized that HIV/AIDS is not only a health issue, but also a major developmental problem. The plan is based on the analysis of the national HIV/AIDS situation, risk behaviour and factors contributing to vulnerability to the infection. …
Violence against women (VAW) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) represent two profound problems for development and health. Development Connections, with the support of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), is implementing an initiative focused on strengthening capacities to further this goal through: a) the creation of a community of practices on the integration of VAW and HIV policies and programs, and b) the design of a manual including the scientific evidence available, best practices and tools for the integration of policies and programs. …
This article looks at HIV/AIDS, poverty and gender, and focuses on young girls and old women. It starts with some basic facts about HIV/AIDS, and then provides a framework for analysing vulnerability to the infection and to its impact, in relation to gender and age. It briefly outlines institutional responses, and ends up with conclusion and recommendations for development planners to combine gender and age analysis in any development or humanitarian work.
Estado de la Población Mundial: El Consenso de Cairo diez años después: Población, Salud Reproductiva y Acciones Mundiales para Eliminar la Pobreza
Los pobres tienen escaso acceso a servicios de prevención, como la provisión de condones o cualquier forma de tratamiento. Sólo una de cada cinco personas que corren riesgo de contagio con el VIH tiene acceso a información preventiva y servicios. Las estrategias eficaces para frenar la epidemia abarcan una combinación de tratamiento, educación y prevención. Estas estrategias no deben limitarse a la medicina y la atención de la salud sino que deben alcanzar a la comunidad, exhortando a consultar directamente a las personas a quienes se trata de prestar asistencia (21). …
The report focuses on girls around the world who marry and have babies while they are still children themselves, resulting in maternal and child mortalities and for those who survive, a struggle to overcome poor health, limited education, and grinding poverty. The report recommends ways to help girls delay marriage and motherhood until they are emotionally and physically ready to give birth and raise children and suggests programmatic and policy solutions to help child mothers and their babies survive and thrive. …
This paper synthesises the evidence on the sexual and reproductive health situation of young people in India, and explores what we know about underlying factors that place them at risk of or protect them from unsafe and unwanted sexual and reproductive health experiences. The picture that emerges suggests that substantial proportions of young people experience risky or unwanted sexual activity, do not receive prompt or appropriate care, and experience adverse reproductive health outcomes. …
The report examines issues related to early marriage and offers policy and programmatic recommendations to end practice, which is widespread despite laws and agreements forbidding it.
The brochure summarizes the possible approaches in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women as they are fundamental elements in the reduction of the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV/AIDS. The suggestions include promoting health and access to service; empowering women to make decisions in relations to sexual and reproductive health; promoting human and equal rights of women; increasing women's access to income-generating activities; providing care and support to HIV-positive women, their children a, partners and families, etc.