2014. 6 p.
Periodical title:
Open Journal of Business and Management, 2, 204-209
Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school administration must ensure that the stated contents, instructional methodologies and the time lines are followed appropriately. This paper examines the extent at which the HIV/AIDS curriculum is being implemented at the Secondary School level in Kenya. The key objectives were to identify the policy dimensions of HIV/AIDS education curriculum and to determine the level of implementation of HIV/AIDS education curriculum in public secondary schools. Structured questionnaire, observation and in-depth interviews were used for data collection from selected school students and the curriculum implementers. The study concluded that HIV/AIDS aspects are taught in public secondary schools through infusion and integration into carrier subjects, though not allocated any specific time in the curriculum. The level at which these aspects are taught is very low, and when taught lecture method, which is a rather passive way of teaching, is the predominant method employed by the teachers. It is recommended that the teachers should be more creative and devise other forums that would ensure that these aspects are amply taught. Also the teachers should collect and avail more learning materials to their learners, including use of the internet to supplement what is provided in the text books.
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