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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Republic of the Marshall Islands national HIV/AIDS strategic plan 2006-2009

    The National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan for 2006-2009 is intended as a resource to enhance the Marshall Islands response to addressing HIV/AIDS in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. This plan is a community response to HIV, and will attempt to address the decisive geographic, socio-cultural, political, economic, health and legal factors which may impact the spread of HIV using Marshallese values and beliefs as the backbone to the response.

  2. Global HIV/AIDS response: epidemic update and health sector progress towards universal access: progress report 2011.

    Ce rapport fait le point sur les avancées réalisées jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2010 en vue d’élargir l’accès aux interventions du secteur de la santé destinées à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien dans le domaine du VIH dans les pays à revenu faible ou moyen. Il est le cinquième d’une série de rapports de situation publiés chaque année depuis 2006 par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF) et le Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA), en collaboration avec des partenaires nationaux et internationaux. Ces rapports font le suivi des éléments clés de la riposte du secteur de la santé à l’épidémie d’infection à VIH. Ce rapport reflète l’engagement des États Membres des Nations Unies, de la société civile et des organismes des Nations Unies de rendre des comptes sur les avancées mondiales de la riposte au VIH en assurant une surveillance continue et la publication régulière de rapports. L’année 2010 était l’échéance fixée en 2005 pour atteindre l’accès universel à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien dans le domaine du VIH. Ce rapport constitue un repère important, une occasion de faire le point, d’identifier ce qui a été réalisé et ce qui reste à faire, et de porter un regard constructif sur l’avenir de la riposte à un moment particulièrement crucial de son action vis-à-vis de l’épidémie d’infection à VIH.

  3. Recomendações para a atenção integral a adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/Aids

    A epidemia de aids entre adolescentes e jovens, ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, mantém-se como um desafio para os profissionais de saúde, tanto no campo da prevençăo de novos casos, como no campo do tratamento, especialmente em funçăo da tendęncia ao aumento da prevalęncia da infecçăo pelo HIV na populaçăo jovem. …

  4. Young key populations at higher risk of HIV in Asia and the Pacific: Making the case with strategic information. Guidance report

    This guidance was developed based on experience sharing and problem solving from an expert meeting on Methodologies for Obtaining Strategic Information on Young People at Higher Risk of HIV Exposure, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 3rd to 5th of September, 2012. This meeting facilitated the sharing of knowledge, and exchange of ideas and experiences in the collection, analysis and utilization of strategic information on young key populations. …

  5. Getting to zero: HIV in eastern and southern Africa

    This report provides an overview of the HIV epidemics in eastern and southern Africa and of the region’s response and progress towards meeting the 2011 Political Declaration targets, while identifying noteworthy achievements and challenges. The report draws on the most recently available data from the Global AIDS Response Reporting System, national HIV estimation exercises, data gathered and generated by UNAIDS, its co-sponsors and national partners, and the many recent studies and surveys that have been conducted in the region. …

  6. The policy and legal framework protecting the rights of women and girls in Ethiopia and reducing their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS: an advocacy toolkit

    This document focuses on the protection of the rights of women and girls In Ethiopia, that may have a relevance to addressing the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV/AIDS. It provides key recommendations to fill the gaps in the policy and and legal framework as well as recommendations towards better enforcement of the existing laws protecting the rights of women and girls.

  7. Informe de la Situacion epidemiologica del VIH y SIDA en el Paraguay

    Informe de la Situacion epidemiologica del VIH y SIDA en el Paraguay

  8. Répertoire national des études sur le VIH-SIDA au Togo : 2001-2011

    Au Togo, comme la plupart des pays en Afrique subsaharienne, plusieurs études et enquêtes ont été réalisées afin de documenter plusieurs aspects de l’épidémie du VIH/SIDA (étude de séroprévalence, études comportementales, études portant sur les aspects médicaux et sur les résistances). Ces études ne sont pas toujours accessibles pour les acteurs et institutions engagés dans la lutte contre le SIDA et encore moins pour le grand public. …

  9. Never tested for HIV in Latin-American migrants and Spaniards: prevalence and percieved barriers

    Increasing the uptake of HIV testing and decreasing the number of undiagnosed people is a priority for HIV prevention. Understanding the barriers that hinder people from testing is vital, particularly when working with especially vulnerable populations like migrants. Barriers to HIV testing in Latin-American migrants living in Europe remain unexplored. Still, they account for a quarter of new diagnosis in Spain and suffer higher rates of delayed diagnosis. Between May 2008 and March 2011, a mobile unit offered free rapid HIV tests in different Spanish cities. …

  10. The effect of educational attainment and other factors on HIV risk in South African women: results from antenatal surveillance, 2000-2005

    Objectives: To assess the effect of educational attainment and other factors on the risk of HIV in pregnant South African women. Design: Repeated cross-sectional surveys. Methods: Pregnant women attending public antenatal clinics were tested for HIV annually between 2000 and 2005, and provided demographic information. Logistic regression models were applied separately to the data collected in each year, to identify factors associated with HIV infection. Data from all years were combined in a logistic regression model that tested for trends in HIV prevalence. …

  11. Trends in HIV prevalence and sexual behaviour among young people aged 15-24 years in countries most affected by HIV

    Objectives: In 2001 the United Nations (UN) Declaration of Commitment was signed by 189 countries with a goal to reduce HIV prevalence among young people by 25% by 2010. Progress towards this target is assessed. In addition, changes in reported sexual behaviour among young people aged 15e24 years are investigated. Methods: Thirty countries most affected by HIV were invited to participate in the study. Trends in HIV prevalence among young antenatal clinic (ANC) attendees were analysed using data from sites that were consistently included in surveillance between 2000 and 2008. …

  12. Changes in HIV prevalence among differently educated groups in Tanzania between 2003 and 2007

    Objective: HIV prevalence trends suggest that the epidemic is stable or declining in many sub-Saharan African countries. However, trends might differ between socioeconomic groups. Educational attainment is a common measure of socioeconomic position in HIV datasets from Africa. Several studies have shown higher HIV prevalence among more educated groups, but this may change over time. We describe changes in HIV prevalence by educational attainment in Tanzania from 2003 to 2007. …

  13. Young people's sexual health in South Africa: HIV prevalence and sexual behaviors from a nationally representative household surevy

    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of HIV infection, HIV risk factors, and exposure to national HIV prevention programs, and to identify factors associated with HIV infection among South African youth, aged 15–24 years. Design: A cross-sectional, nationally representative, household survey. Methods: From March to August 2003 we conducted a national survey of HIV prevalence and sexual behavior among 11 904 15–24 year olds. Multivariable models for HIV infection were restricted to sexually experienced youth. …

  14. National strategic framework for HIV and AIDS response in Namibia 2010/11 – 2015/16

    The National Strategic Framework (NSF) for HIV and AIDS 2010/11 -2015/16 succeeds the MTP-III that came to an end in March 2010. The framework provides strategic policy, planning and implementation guidance and leadership for the national HIV and AIDS multi-sectoral response. The national response is premised on the understanding that HIV and AIDS remains the greatest socioeconomic development challenge in Namibia. The NSF marks a paradigm shift for the national response from doing “business as usual” to evidence and results based multi-sectoral and decentralised planning. …

  15. Vital signs: HIV infection, testing, and risk behaviors among youths — United States

    Background: In 2009, 6.7% of the estimated 1.1 million persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the United States were youths (defined in this report as persons aged 13–24 years); more than half of youths with HIV (59.5%) were unaware of their infection. Methods: CDC used National HIV Surveillance System data to estimate, among youths, prevalence rates of diagnosed HIV infection in 2009 and the number of new infections (incidence) in 2010. …


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Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.