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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Comparative Perspective: The Cases of India and Russia

    After examining the history of HIV/AIDS in Russia and India, the article examines the present prevalence of, and future projections for, HIV/AIDS in both countries. It also discusses the economic, political, and social consequences of the pandemic in either region, while evaluating the effectiveness of the Indian and Russian governmental attempts to stem the health crisis. The article concludes with certain policy recommendations for the target countries' respective governments.

  2. Evolution of China's response to HIV/AIDS

    This documents talks about Four factors which have driven China's response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic: (1) existing government structures and networks of relationships; (2) increasing scientific information; (3) external influences that underscored the potential consequences of an HIV/AIDS pandemic and thus accelerated strategic planning; and (4) increasing political commitment at the highest levels. China's response culminated in legislation to control HIV/AIDS - the AIDS Prevention and Control Regulations. Three major initiatives are being scaled up concurrently. …

  3. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in eastern Europe: recent patterns and trends and their implications for policy-making

    This document describes recent patterns and trends in the HIV epidemic in eastern Europe. AIDS programme managers and epidemiologists of 23 countries were contacted and requested to provide national HIV surveillance data. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS/World Health Organisation country fact sheets were reviewed and analysed, and this information was supplemented with published HIV prevalence and sexually transmitted disease case reporting information, unpublished travel reports and expert evaluations.

  4. Sierra Leone HIV modes of transmission study 2010

    This study is the outcome of close collaboration between UNAIDS and UNICEF, Sierra Leone Country Offices to support the Government of Sierra Leone to respond to the HIV epidemic in the country through the National AIDS Secretariat by initiating the UNAIDS Modes of Transmission model for Sierra Leone. The purpose of the model is to understand the sources of new HIV infections for better programme planning and support of programme pillars. …

  5. HIV and AIDS in Azerbaijan: a socio-cultural approach

    This publication presents the full-length review of the current situation of the epidemic in Azerbaijan from a socio-cultural perspective.

  6. HIV and AIDS in the Caucasus Region: A Socio-Cultural Approach

    This work is the outcome of a year-long project directed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), funded by the Flemish government, and assisted by the National HIV/AIDS Centers in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. …

  7. Knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning HIV/AIDS among Iranian at-risk sub-populations

    This study in 2003 looked at knowledge, attitudes and behaviours concerning HIV among 3 high-risk groups (201 cross-border truck drivers, 50 female sex workers and 754 youths) in 4 cities in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The level of knowledge about HIV was low on average, especially among individuals with high-risk behaviours. Truck drivers and female sex workers had higher knowledge about sexually transmitted infections than youths but their knowledge came primarily from personal experience rather than public awareness programmes. …

  8. Multicity HIV seroprevalence in street youth, Ukraine

    The authors conducted the first systematic, community-based, multicity assessment outside of the United States of HIV seroprevalence, risk factors, and linkage to clinical services among 929 street youth. After city-wide mapping, the authors used time-location sampling and randomly selected 74 venues in Odesa, Kyiv and Donetsk, Ukraine. Rapid HIV testing with post-test counseling were offered to all eligible youths ages 15-24 years. Overall, 18.4% were HIV positive and 85% had a previously unknown status. Rates were identical by sex. …

  9. Tendências da epidemia de AIDS entre subgrupos sob maior risco no Brasil, 1980-2004

    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as tendências da epidemia de AIDS em grupos populacionais sob maior risco no Brasil no período de 1980-2004. Entre os anos de 1980 e 1988, os casos homossexuais ou bissexuais masculinos correspondiam à maioria. Posteriormente, há um decréscimo importante no papel desempenhado pelos HSH e ocorre um acréscimo nas outras categorias de exposição. Neste sentido, a análise da dinâmica da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil mostra a importância dos grupos HSH e UDI masculinos enquanto grupos de risco diferenciado.

  10. Reducing HIV Infection in Young Women in Southern Africa: The Key to Altering Epidemic Trajectories in a Generalized, Hyperendemic Setting

    This paper gives an overview of the HIV prevention battle in Southern Africa and supports the development of more balanced and innovative HIV prevention portfolio that adresses the real, immediate, and substantial risk facing young women from sub-Saharan African countries.

  11. Botswana AIDS Impact Survey III (BAIS III) 2008: stats brief preliminary results

    The 2008 Botswana AIDS Impact Survey III (BAIS III) data yielded a national HIV prevalence rate of 17.6 percent; the gender disparity disfavours females with 20.4 percent while males had 14.2. Residentially, Urban Villages have become the least infected (16.6 percent) while Towns remain the most infected at 22.1 percent. Incidence rate for the country was at 2.9 percent, and that of males and females were 2.3 and 3.5 percent respectively. This Stats Brief documents some of the BAIS III, 2008, results. Data collection was undertaken from the 15th July to 22 October 2008. …

  12. We can empower young people to protect themselves from HIV. Joint Action for Results, UNAIDS Outcome Framework: Business Case 2009-2011

    The Joint Action for Results: UNAIDS Outcome Framework, 2009-2011 represents a new and more focused commitment to the HIV response and serves as a platform to move towards UNAIDS' vision of zero new HIV-infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths. It commits the UNAIDS Secretariat and Cosponsors to leverage their respective organizational mandates and resources to work collectively to deliver results.The Outcome Framework focuses on ten priority areas, each of which represents a pivotal component of the AIDS response. …

  13. Viet Nam HIV/AIDS Estimates and Projection 2007 - 2012

    To support HIV/AIDS program planning, the Ministry of Health has carried out HIV/AIDS estimates and projections since 2003 based on recommendations of the UN Reference Group on Estimates, Modeling and Projections. In 2007 and 2008, the Viet Nam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC) in the Ministry of Health collaborated with national and international partners to conduct a second round of Estimates and Projections in Viet Nam in 2007-2008, which optimized the use of existing data to obtain updated HIV epidemiologic data. …

  14. An In-Depth Analysis of HIV Prevalence in Ghana: Further Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys Data

    This report presents findings from a further analysis study undertaken as part of the follow-up to the 2003 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS). ORC Macro provided technical assistance for the project. Funding was provided by the USAID. This report is part of the MEASURE DHS program, which is designed to collect, analyze, and disseminate data on fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and HIV/AIDS. …

  15. Concurrent Sexual Partnerships and HIV Infection: Evidence from National Population-Based Surveys

    Knowing the prevalence and correlates of multiple and concurrent sexual partnerships is important for understanding the dynamics of HIV transmission, and thus for developing effective prevention interventions. This study takes advantage of self-reported data on sexual partnerships and biomarker data on HIV serostatus that have been collected in recent years from adult women and men (age 15-49) by nationally representative Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS). …


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Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.