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The report focuses on how people of different social groups in Zambia gather, share and assess information on key health issues. It showcases how the AudienceScapes survey data can be used by the development community to better target communications and information-sharing efforts.
Ce manuel a pour objectif principal de développer et d'utiliser une pédagogie sanitaire et radiophonique portant sur trois programmes : Santé de la reproduction des adolescents ; VIH/SIDA ; Éducation à la vie familiale et éducation en matière de population (EVF/EMP). Le manuel vise l'amélioration de la qualification des communicateurs en charge d'animer les programmes de santé, grâce à une formation de proximité. …
Soul City, a multi-media health project in South Africa has been effective in imparting much needed information on health and development, and in changing attitudes and behaviour as well. Soul City works primarily within South Africa but the TV programme has been shown in a number of African countries as well. In the last two years Soul City has worked on a sponsored education booklet called Choose Life, aimed at 12-16 year olds in Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Namibia. 1,331,000 copies of the booklet will be printed and distributed in the four countries in seven different languages. …
In Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia a general lack of HIV and AIDS coverage currently exists while HIV rates are rising throughout the broader region. What's more, the very complicated issues associated to HIV and AIDS have by some accounts created a greater need for specialist health reporters. The combination of these dilemmas in the South Caucasus requires an increase of coverage with a more thoughtful approach to reporting. …
In Ghana and Kenya, campaigns to educate people about HIV/AIDS seem to be reaching their intended audiences. The 2009 AudienceScapes surveys in these countries suggest that information about this serious disease is readily accessible to most people - particularly on the radio.
This reporting guide is designed for journalists who are covering the global epidemic for the first time and for those who have covered it previously. The Kaiser Family Foundation undertook this project as part of its continuing commitment to supporting good journalism and to combating HIV/AIDS through public education and awareness. …
Despite numerous national campaigns and millions of dollars spent on education and health services, HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Tanzania remain at epidemic levels. Research has shown that it is important for anti-HIV initiatives to target the country's most vulnerable and high risk populations who contribute disproportionately to the spread of the illness. But what are the best ways for public health professionals to deliver information about HIV prevention to these populations? …
HIV/AIDS is a major threat to the well-being of Mozambicans, not to mention to the country's economic and social development. Mozambique has one of the highest prevalence rates of HIV in the world. Close to 13 percent of the adult population between 15 and 49 is infected. Women, youth and young adults are most at risk. Analysis from AudienceScapes suggests that radio has the most potential for reaching women, youth and young adults. …
The current report is the first attempt at an in-depth analysis of the socio-cultural factors driving the HIV epidemic in Georgia and the socio-cultural resources that can be used in the response to the epidemic. In addition, it explores effective ways to communicate messages about HIV prevention to the population, and in particular youth, while keeping a balance between local culture and traditions, and innovative educational interventions.
Ejemplos de la utilización de los medios de comunicación como herramienta educativa para la prevención del VIH en Sudáfrica. Se describen los casos de Soul City (telenovela, radionovela y folletos); El programa Beat It del Community Health Media Trust (serie televisiva); Takalani Sesame (radio y televisión, una adaptación del programa infantil Plaza Sésamo). Este informe termina haciendo un repaso de las enseñanzas que pueden extraerse de la experiencia y que podrían ayudar a aquéllos que quieran trabajar con los medios de comunicación en el campo del VIH y el SIDA.
This publication by JCIE focuses on how governments, civil societies, corporations, and media in Laos are responding to the rising tide of HIV/AIDS infection that is afflicting the region.The varied responses by each society to the rising threat offer critical and practical lessons. Equally important is the increasing recognition that many problems contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS are cross-border issues that must be addressed collaboratively.
This publication by JCIE focuses on how governments, civil societies, corporations, and media in Cambodia are responding to the rising tide of HIV/AIDS infection that is afflicting the region The varied responses by each society to the rising threat offer critical and practical lessons. Equally important is the increasing recognition that many problems contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS are cross-border issues that must be addressed collaboratively.
This multilingual directory contains information about 21 young media producers (17-25 years-old), who answered the project Launching the basis of a Network of Young Brazilian Media Producers for HIV/AIDS Prevention. UNESCO's initiatives on prevention of HIV/AIDS are mainly addressed to young people, considered as "the key agents of the fight against AIDS" by the United Nations. UNESCO attaches great importance to the use of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the dissemination of preventive information on STDs/HIV/AIDS among young people.
"Entre jóvenes. Comunicación y VIH" es un proyecto con diferentes líneas de acción, parte de un trabajo integral de la Red Regional Entre Jóvenes, que nuclea a cerca de cien organizaciones juveniles de base, urbanas y rurales, del MERCOSUR (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), de países andinos (Ecuador y Perú) y de Cuba. Desarrolla estrategias para jóvenes preocupados por dos derechos que les son propios: el derecho a la comunicación y el derecho a la salud. …
Messages conveyed both explicitly and implicitly in the media play an important role in the shaping of public understanding of issues, as well as associated policy, programme and popular responses to these issues. This paper applies discourse analysis to a series of articles on children affected by HIV/AIDS published in 2002/2003 in the English-medium South African press. …