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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Costing analysis of school health and nutrition interventions: the ESHI case study 2014

    The cost-effectiveness and optimal composition of school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes which integrate a number of different health interventions is an unknown to government decision makers.

  2. Essential conditions for the implementation of comprehensive school health to achieve changes in school culture and improvements in health behaviours of students

    Background: Comprehensive School Health (CSH) is an internationally recognized framework that holistically addresses school health by transforming the school culture. It has been shown to be effective in enhancing health behaviours among students while also improving educational outcomes. Despite this effectiveness, there is a need to focus on how CSH is implemented. …

  3. SABER school health: preliminary assessment of school health policies in the Caribbean community (CARICOM)

    This report presents the findings of the 2012 pilot assessment of the school health policies for the following Caribbean community (CARICOM) countries: Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia, Barbados, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The objective of this exercise is to help countries to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their school health policy frameworks, with the understanding that sound a policy framework is a critical component of effective school health programming. …

  4. What matters most for school health and school feeding: a framework paper

    The provision of quality schools, textbooks, and teachers can result in effective education only if a child is in school and ready and able to learn. The child is at the center of efforts to achieve Education for All (EFA) by 2015 and to address the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of universal basic education and gender equality in educational access. A child who is hungry or sick will not be able to complete a basic education of good quality. …

  5. Menstrual hygiene management among adolescent schoolgirls in low- and middle-income countries: research priorities

    A lack of adequate guidance on menstrual management; water, disposal, and private changing facilities; and sanitary hygiene materials in low- and middle-income countries leaves schoolgirls with limited options for healthy personal hygiene during monthly menses. …

  6. 2° encuesta mundial de salud escolar Argentina 2012

    El objetivo de la segunda Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar es: Proporcionar datos precisos sobre comportamientos relativos a la salud, factores de riesgo y de protección entre los alumnos, para: - Establecer prioridades, elaborar programas, diseñar los recursos en los mismos y formular políticas de salud escolar y de los jóvenes. - Brindar la posibilidad a los gobiernos, las agencias internacionales y otros organismos de hacer comparaciones entre los países y dentro de los mismos sobre la prevalencia de los comportamientos relativos a la salud y los factores de protección. …

  7. Costs, and cost-outcome of school feeding programmes and feeding programmes for young children

    Our objectives for this study were to provide updated, realistic data on the costs and cost-outcomes of school feeding in Low and Middle Income Countries. We also aimed to identify factors that may influence effectiveness and therefore, cost effectiveness of the interventions. To do this, we combined data on effect sizes for physical and psychosocial outcomes from two Cochrane systematic reviews with new data on the costs of school feeding. We simulated the costs of preschool feeding based on the school feeding costs. …

  8. UNESCO strategy on education for health and well-being: contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

    This strategy builds on UNESCO’s longstanding commitment to strengthen the links between education and health, reflecting international recognition that a more comprehensive approach to school health and coordinated action across sectors is needed. As stated in the 2015 Incheon Declaration, education develops the skills, values and attitudes that enable citizens to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, make informed decisions, and respond to local and global challenges. …

  9. Promoting student health and wellbeing: a guide to drug education in schools

    Promoting Student Health and Wellbeing: A Guide to Drug Education in Schools is intended for school Boards of Trustees, principals, and teachers of drug education within the context of the health and physical education curriculum. The guide provides information and guidance for schools on developing and implementing drug education programmes. It also outlines how these programmes are supported by a whole-school approach to promoting health and wellbeing that links to wider school communities.

  10. School health management framework

    The School Health Management Framework for the Ministry of Educations, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education (MOGE) aim at providing guidance to managers at all levels - national, provincial, district, zone, and school to effectively manage the education sector School Health and Nutrition (SHN) programme. …

  11. Training of trainers manual on school health

    This manual is made up of 7 modules: Module 1 Comprehensive School Health Programme; Module 2 Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle; Module 3 Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-being; Module 4 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; Module 5 WASH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Module 6 Learners with Diverse Needs; Module 7 Violence Against Children. Every module is further divided into units dealing with s specific topic. The purpose of this structure is to help organise the content in a logical manner and make it easier to access information on a particular topic

  12. Santé de la reproduction des adolescents en milieu scolaire

    Ce document, issu d'une collaboration entre les enseignants, les parents d’élèves et les élèves vise à répondre aux préoccupations des jeunes / adolescents(e) s en matière de santé de la reproduction.

  13. Programme national d’alimentation, de nutrition et de santé scolaire 2013-2015

    L’Alimentation, la Nutrition et la Santé Scolaire sont parmi les facteurs déterminants pour un enseignement de qualité. La mise en œuvre de Programme National d’Alimentation, de Nutrition et de Santé Scolaire consiste à délivrer les moyens efficaces aux apprenants ou à leur famille, pour atteindre à l’«amélioration de la performance scolaire », un des objectifs du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale. Ce document contient des dispositions à prendre pour créer et gérer un établissement PNANSS. …

  14. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para padres, madres y representantes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 3

    El Ministerio de Educación, rector de la política educativa, consciente de la importancia que se debe ofrecer a la Educación Preventiva Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Alcohol, Tabaco y otras Drogas, propone material pedagógico para abordar el fenómeno social de las drogas en el Sistema Nacional de Educación. …

  15. Programa de participación estudiantil: guía metodológica para estudiantes. Educación preventiva integral de los usos y consumos problemáticos de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas en el sistema educativo nacional 2

    El Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) entrega a ustedes estudiantes de 1ero y 2do de bachillerato este material, el cual tiene como objetivo invitarles a conocer, analizar y reflexionar sobre el el fenómeno social de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. Con este material se propende llegar al desarrollo de sus habilidades sociales y capacidades para llegar a la toma de decisiones conscientes e informadas. En el mundo se analizan nuevas formas de enfrentar fenómenos sociales como el de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.