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In February 2013, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO) commissioned Eleanor Formby from Sheffield Hallam University (in the UK) to carry out research on the impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment in Europe. An online survey used, specifically targeted at a range of countries: Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Poland. The research extends existing literature that often focuses on impacts on mental health and emotional wellbeing. …
With the global AIDS response becoming increasingly hampered by the criminalization of key populations, this study aims to encourage and assist parliamentary scrutiny of legislation that impedes effective HIV interventions. It highlights the various processes in selected parliaments that led to the adoption of laws with a positive impact on the AIDS response. Although such outcomes were not always easy to achieve, they were mainly the result of inspired leadership by parliamentarians able to overcome the moral obstacles that had stifled socially sensitive issues in political debate.
This research has been commissioned by the Department of Education as part of their statutory duty to promote equality of opportunity under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998). Analysis of the Census 2001 indicates that between 2 and 10% of the population may be lesbian, gay or bisexual. This would indicated that there are between 12,190 and 60,953 LGB people under 25 years in Northern Ireland. …
The lessons contained in this packet provide a means for educators to begin to address homophobic bullying in their school setting. The four activities proposed are aimed at both primary and secondary level classes. A list of resources from other organizations for teachers, for all subjects and all grades is included to enable greater choice of possible activities. …
This framework was developed to assist organizations in Sri Lanka to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent MSM and transgender people from enjoying the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, particularly in relation to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is focused as much on governments and national AIDS Programmes as it is on community organizations, as partnerships between governments and civil society have proven to be an effective vehicle for change in this area. …
This South Asia Regional Advocacy Framework and Resource Guide was developed to assist organizations in South Asia to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent MSM and transgender people from enjoying the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, particularly in relation to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. …
This framework was developed to assist organizations in Nepal to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent MSM and transgender people from enjoying the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, particularly in relation to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is focused as much on governments and national AIDS Programs as it is on community organizations, as partnerships between governments and civil society have proven to be an effective vehicle for change in this area. …
This framework was developed to assist organizations in Bhutan to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent MSM and transgender people from enjoying the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, particularly in relation to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is focused as much on governments and national AIDS Programs as it is on community organizations, as partnerships between governments and civil society have proven to be an effective vehicle for change in this area. …
This framework was developed to assist organizations in Bangladesh to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent MSM and transgender people from enjoying the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, particularly in relation to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is focused as much on governments and national AIDS Programs as it is on community organizations, as partnerships between governments and civil society have proven to be an effective vehicle for change in this area. …
In order to accommodate the education needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students American schools need to do more than add LGBT information to the curriculum in sex education class. …
The Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR), as a youth-led international organization of young people aged 18-29 years old, is committed to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights at the national, regional and international levels and identifies issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity as integral to bodily integrity, dignity and health. …
This Policy Plan contains a description of the policy programmes of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The programmes concerned are policy programmes for the equal rights of homosexuals and transgender people, the safety and empowerment of homosexuals, transgender people and women, the social acceptance of homosexuals and transgender people, the labour participation of women and talent, the labour participation of women and the strengths of low-skilled women and the international LGBT and gender equality policy. …
This report gives an overview of what it means to be gay and African in the early part of the 21st century. Commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies and the OTHER Foundation, it also highlights organisations working to improve the situation and the funders supporting such activities. This is not an academic publication. It is meant to provide information about the conditions facing gay people throughout the continent and show that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are often pawns, vulnerable pawns, for those seeking power. …
À l’École, l’homosexualité reste encore trop souvent un tabou. Pourtant, de nombreux jeunes LGBT fréquentent les établissements scolaires. L’âge des "coming out" et de l’affirmation de soi devient plus précoce en raison notamment de la visibilité grandissante de l’homosexualité dans la société, les médias, les séries télé et le cinéma, ainsi que de la possibilité croissante de s’identifier à des modèles (sportifs, acteurs, chanteurs, écrivains, proches). …
This Atlantic-commissioned case study provides a snapshot of what life is like for young lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and intersex people (LGBTIs) in South Africa today – 17 years after the Constitution outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation. It explores if democracy has brought greater tolerance and celebration of diversity for today’s young LGBTIs. …