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This Reference Resource documents key protective laws focused on HIV, men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people in five countries in South Asia. The two primary objectives of the Reference Resource are to: 1. build the capacity of legal professionals to analyze protective laws (focusing on people living with HIV, MSM and transgender people); and 2. develop a resource to support legislative drafting, law reform and advocacy initiatives.
This article has 3 objectives: (a) to chart current Thai sexual/gender-minority terminology and identities, (b) to identify challenges in the lives of sexual/gender minorities in Thailand, and (c) to evaluate how both identities and challenges are reflected in voluntary-sector counseling. The author summarizes terminology and issues from existing Thai and foreign studies and reports the results of a qualitative inquiry into the state of counseling in 3 Thai nongovernmental organizations. …
This qualitative investigation studies the impact of belonging to a high school Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA or Alliance) on the lives of seven students. Individual and focus group interviews were conducted over a two-year time period. The author used voices of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and straight students to relate the experiences unique to each participant. In addition, data from media and spoken transcripts, video tapes of news reports, grade records, and the GSA advisor's personal observations were analyzed and organized into a framework of seven categories of impact. …
Currently, the establishment of Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) in schools is one of the most visible and widely adopted strategies for calling attention to and addressing the needs of LGBT students. …
Over the past two decades, sexual citizenship has emerged as a new form of citizenship coupled with increased interest in the challenges to citizenship and social justice faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and, in particular, by sexual minority youth within education systems. In South Africa, the rights of LGBTI people have been institutionalized by legislation, and research has begun to consider how educators may facilitate a more inclusive school environment for LGBTI youth. …
This study documents a school district’s coordinated response to an elementary student’s social transition from a gender variant boy to a female gender expression. Data were gathered through analysis of journal entries, lesson plans, and interviews with the child, guardian, and district personnel. Stakeholders reported a favorable outlook on the transition, particularly in the areas of classroom and school interventions, peer involvement, and maintaining safety for all. The greatest concerns related to communication and language. …
Youth with invisible challenges constitute a special area of concern for child and youth care workers. Youth struggling with gender and sexual orientation are reported to comprise ten percent of our youth population yet they may often be unknown to teachers and other school personnel. These adolescents face unique challenges in developing their identity and gaining social acceptance. This paper explores the challenges faced by these youth, the consequences of underserving this population and proposes some strategies for improving their educational experience.
The nature of public schooling, particularly at the early and middle childhood levels, makes designing critical qualitative studies around gay and lesbian issues in the school context problematic at best. This article provides a retrospective dialogue between an associate professor and her then Ph.D. candidate advisee that reflects on the tension created as they negotiated through the pitfalls and problems inherent in developing a workable proposal for a gay/lesbian school-based study. …
The Regional Youth MSM and Transgender Consultation Meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 1-3 September 2010. 33 participants from 13 countries in Southeast Asia and Pacific regions participated in this meeting. Through presentations from various partners, the meeting provided the participants with key information they need in order to move forward with their activities. They were equipped with information on communication and partnership with technology, programs for PLHIV, existing regional responses and existing networks for youth and MSM/TG in this region.
This course has been developed to provide guidance around youth-specific HIV programming and support staff working across the Asia Pacific region to meet the specific needs and rights of young people from key affected populations. …
AIDSTAR-One, in collaboration with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) West Africa Regional Health Office in Accra, Ghana, and supported by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, facilitated a workshop held May 2–3, 2012, in support of regional HIV prevention activities. …
In 2010, AIDSTAR-One conducted case studies in three countries where GBV services were available. …
The purpose of this booklet is to set out the core obligations that States have towards LGBT persons, and describe how United Nations mechanisms have applied international law in this context. For the past eighteen years, United Nations human rights treaty bodies and special procedures have documented violations of the human rights of LGBT people and analysed State compliance with international human rights law. …
This Guidance Note has been developed to provide the UNAIDS Cosponsors and Secretariat with a coordinated human-rights-based approach to promoting universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in the context of adult sex work. Sound, evidence-informed measures to address sex work constitute an integral component of an effective, comprehensive response to HIV. The Guidance Note provides clarification and direction regarding approaches by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS to reduce HIV risk and vulnerability in the context of sex work. …
This leaflet describes Germany's response to sexual minorities and HIV and provides examples of programmes being implemented.