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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands

Wise coastal practices for sustainable human
development Forum:
work in progress 2


List of Acronyms
Executive Summary
1.1 Background
1.2 Programme of Action 1996-2007
1.3 Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development Forum
2.1 Wise and Unwise Practices
2.2 Major Themes
Small Island Issues
Community Empowerment
Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Freshwater Resources
Coastal Erosion
Gender Issues
Human Rights
2.3 Geographical Distribution of the Forum Contributions
2.3.1 Forum Contributions from Small Islands
3.1 Brief Analysis of Wise Practice Characteristics
3.2 Conclusions
4.1 Steps Along the Way
4.2 Seeking a ‘Common Ground’
4.3 Seeking a ‘Common Ground’ Between a Top-down/Bottom-up Approach
4.4 Seeking a ‘Common Ground’ Between Local and Global Levels
4.5 Seeking a ‘Common Ground’ Between Sectoral and Integrated Approaches
4.6 The Forum as a Means to Re-focus the Pilot Project/University Chair Activities
4.7 The Future of the Forum
4.8 A Need for Prioritisation
Appendix I: List of Pilot Projects and University Chairs
Appendix II: Revised List of Wise Practice Characteristics and their Definitions
Appendix III: Forum Contributions up to 30th September 2000 listed by Forum URL
Appendix IV: Forum Contributions up to 30th September 2000 listed in Alphabetical
Order by Author
Appendix V: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Appendix VI: Geographical Distribution of Forum Contributions
Appendix VII: Analysis of the Characteristics of Wise Practices
List of Figures 
1. Towards Sustainable Living in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands
2. Summary of the Geographical Distribution of the Forum Contributions
3. Interactive Modalities for Wise Practices
4. Integrated Coastal Management: Tension and Focus
5. Affiliations of the Forum Contributors


Gillian Cambers and Dirk G. Troost

 With contributions from:

- Hari Baral, International Society of City and Regional Planners, France.
- Claire Blackburn, Consultant, France.
- Boedhihartono, University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
- Aboubakari Boina, Centre Nationale de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique, Comoros.
- Juan José Calvo, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
- John Celecia, formerly with UNESCO - Paris; presently Consultant, France.
- Omar Defeo, Departamento de Recursos del Mar, Mexico.
- Rupa Desai Abdi, University of Bhavnagar, India.
- Salif Diop, United Nations Environment Programme - Nairobi.
- Abdelaziz El Mouatez, Essaouira Council for Agenda 21, Morocco.
- Peter Espeut, Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation, Jamaica.
- Martin Felstead, Consultant, Philippines.
- Miguel D. Fortes, University of the Philippines, Philippines.
- Yves Henocque, Institut français pour la Recherche et l'Exploitation de la mer, France.
- Jose Furtado, formerly with the World Bank - Washington; presently Visiting Professor, UK.
- Khalissa Ikhlef, UNESCO - Paris.
- Bob Johannes, Consultant, Australia.
- Maldwyn Jones, Consultant, France.
- Vidyut Joshi, Centre for Social Studies, India.
- Mark Jury, University of Zululand, South Africa.
- Alioune Kane, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal.
- Philippe MacClenahan, Consultant, France.
- Douglas Nakashima, UNESCO - Paris.
- Maria Partidario, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
- Roland Paskoff, Professeur émérite à l'université Lumière de Lyon, France.
- Michael Pido, Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia, Philippines.
- Sibylle Riedmiller, Chumbe Island Coral Park, Tanzania.
- Arona Soumare, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal.
- R. Sudarshana, National Remote Sensing Agency, India.
- Alexei Suzyumov, UNESCO - Paris.
- Jean Wiener, Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité, Haiti.

(The country listed after a contributor’s affiliation refers to the present country base, which is not necessarily the country of nationality).



AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States
CSI Environment and Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands
EWPs Example Wise Practices
Forum Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development Forum
ICM Integrated Coastal Management
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
LINKS Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
SIDS Small Island Developing States
UN United Nations
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
URL Uniform Resource Locator
WIP 1 Work-in-Progress Paper 1
WIP 2 Work-in-Progress Paper 2
  Introduction Activities Publications search
Wise practices Regions Themes