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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands
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Coastal region and small island papers 3

Caribbean coral reef, seagrass and mangrove sites


Buck Island Reef, St. Croix.
Species shown are:
(elkhorn coral);
Mulloidichthys martinicus

(yellow goatfish); and

Kyphosus secatrix
Front photo by John Ogden

Back photos by Björn
Kjerfve and John Ogden

Edited by Björn Kjerfve

Foreword Prólogo Avant-propos
List of Acronyms
Editor's Note
CARICOMP: A Network of Coastal Marine Laboratories, Research Institutions, Parks, and Reserves
Björn Kjerfve and the CARICOMP Steering Committee
Discovery Bay, Jamaica
Peter M. H. Gayle and Jeremy D. Woodley
Grand Cayman, British West Indies
Phillippe G. Bush
Laguna de Celestún, Yucatán, Mexico
Jorge A. Herrera-Silveira and Javier Ramírez-Ramírez
Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Francisco Ruíz-Rentería, Brigitta I. van Tussenbroek, and Eric Jordán-Dahlgren
Calabash Caye, Turneffe Islands Atoll, Belize
Eden Garcia and Karie Holtermann
Carrie Bow Cay, Belize
Karen H. Koltes, John J. Tschirky, and Ilka C. Feller
Great Corn Island, Nicaragua
Joseph D. Ryan, Leanne J. Miller, Yamil Zapata, Oliver Downs, and Rodolfo Chan
Cahuita and Laguna Gandoca, Costa Rica
Jorge Cortés
Bahía de Chengue, Parque Natural Tayrona, Colombia
Jaime Garzón-Ferreira
Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
Leendert P. J. J. Pors and Ivan A. Nagelkerken
Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
Kalli De Meyer
Parque Nacional Morrocoy, Venezuela
David Bone, Daisy Pérez, Alicia Villamizar, Pablo Penchaszadeh, and Eduardo Klein
Punta de Mangle, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
Ramón J. Varela, Martin Llano, Juan Carlos Capelo, and Yully Velásquez
Buccoo Reef and Bon Accord Lagoon, Tobago, Republic of Trinidad & Tobago
Richard S. Laydoo, Kurt Bonair, and Gerard Alleng
Christoph Parker and Hazel A. Oxenford
Saba, Netherlands Antilles
Kenny Buchan
La Parguera, Puerto Rico, USA
Jorge R. García, Christoph Schmitt, Craig Heberer, and Amos Winter
Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic
Francisco X. Geraldes
Cayo Coco, Sabana-Camagüey Archipelago, Cuba
Pedro M. Alcolado, Frisel Menéndez, Pedro García-Parrado, Daily Zúñiga, Beatriz Martínez-Darana, Magalys Losa, and Raúl Gómez
San Salvador, Bahamas
Donald T. Gerace, Gary K. Ostrander, and Garriet W. Smith
Struan R. Smith
The Data Management Centre and Data Summary
Dulcie M. Linton and Jeremy D. Woodley
CARICOMP Data Report 1992-1995
Author Index
Subject Index
Other titles Distribution

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNESCO Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of their authorities, or concerning the delimitation of their frontiers or boundaries. The ideas and opinions expressed are those of the contributors to this report and do not necessarily represent the views of the Organization.

Reproduction is authorized, providing that appropriate mention is made of the source, and copies sent to the address below. This document should be cited as:
UNESCO, 1998. CARICOMP – Caribbean coral reef, seagrass and mangrove sites.
Coastal region and small island papers 3, UNESCO, Paris, xiv + 347 pp.

The ‘Coastal region and small island papers’series was launched by the Organization in 1997. Information on CSI activities can be obtained at the following address:

Coastal Regions and Small Islands (CSI) Unit,
UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis,
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France.

fax: +33-1 45 68 58 08

Composition of text: Constance Prynne
Cover design and adaptation of colour map: Micheline Turner

Published in 1998 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP

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