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This document explores the values and principles that guide programmes, services and education on sexuality. It can be used for services, outreach, education and advocacy efforts. This guide was developed by, and essentially for, activists, educators, researchers and professionals from a wide range of fields, including reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, mental health, gender and development, sexuality, legal issues, violence prevention, women's rights, medicine, media and donor agencies. …
Ce document est un rapport des activités curriculaires realtives au VIH et SIDA mises en place par l'Institut National de Recherche et d'actions pédagogiques au Congo. Il fait état des diverses actions menées durant l'année scolaire 2007-2008 avec l'appui du SEP/Conseil National de Lutte contre le Sida, de l'UNESCO, de l'UNICEF. …
Few UNAIDS co-sponsors are assisting countries in developing education sector strategic plans. Therefore, in the framework of EDUCAIDS, UNESCO BREDA (Regional Office for Education in Africa) is concentrating its efforts to assist countries to develop, or where relevant update and improve, specific HIV and AIDS education plans. The countries with Portuguese as official language were targeted in this desktop study. These countries include Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tome and Principe. …
This report presents the findings and outcomes of the three joint UNESCO/World Bank missions to Guyana, Jamaica, and St. Lucia, and elaborates on next steps identified for action at both national and regional levels. The report also sets these findings and next steps within the broader context of the Caribbean plan for action and presents in its appendixes sample resources to guide the development of a comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS by the education sector.
This booklet introduces the concepts of quality education and effective learning; provides an overview of the impact of HIV and AIDS on quality education and effective learning; summarises the factors that contribute to effective learning in the context of HIV and AIDS education and highlights key issues to consider in developing and adapting HIV and AIDS learning materials, illustrated with case study examples. …
The EDUCAIDS Overviews of Practical Resources provide guidance on the technical and operational aspects of this response. They are intended for technical staff, programme implementers and managers in ministries of education, technical staff in UN and other development cooperation agencies, and civil society partners. The secondary audiences of these Overviews are much broader and include school principals, educators, parents and communities. Each Overview provides an analysis and summary of approximately 20 reviewed and selected resources. …
The report reveals that developing countries often have constrained budgets due to limited resources and in some cases tight fiscal management policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund. It urges governments and donors funding education in developing countries to prioritise teacher management. Ignoring this issue will lead to, poor living and working conditions for teachers and school leaders and ultimately children will be denied their right to a quality education. …
The education sector, very large cadre of government employees, faces impacts of HIV/AIDS both on supply and demand sides. On the supply side, HIV/AIDS affects education because of the loss of trained teachers and the reduced productivity of relevant personnel (teachers, administrators, management, etc.) through illness, caring for infected family members, and participation in funerals. …
The CHANGES2 program is funded by USAID/ ZAMBIA through an EQUIP1 Associate award. It is implemented by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the Zambia Ministry ofEducation. Its aim is to strengthen basic education teachers' professional skills related to health and education with a special emphasis on HIV/AIDS prevention. The program concentrates basic education activities in four of Zambia's nine provinces, namely Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central and Southern Provinces. …
This study provides estimates of the size and distribution of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in eight sub-Saharan African countries with relatively high HIV prevalence (Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe), and assesses their situation over several dimensions including schooling and health care. The study uses data collected in recent nationally representative Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) that included HIV testing of adult women and men. …
This report displays the positions of the National examinations council of Kenya in the quality assurance in basic education; it explains the process of quality assurance in education.
This report displays the positions of the ministry of education in Burundi, on the quality of education. It aims at presenting quality assurance achievements in basic education in Burundi that can be observed not only through institutions responsible for educational monitoring, but also through components such as teachers' qualifications and motivation, quality of curricula, availability of textbooks and other educational resources.
This document reaffirms the goal of education for all as laid out by the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) and other international conferences. It commits governments to achieving quality basic education for all by 2015 or earlier, with particular emphasis on girls' education, and includes a pledge from donor countries and institutions that "no country seriously committed to basic education will be thwarted in the achievement of this goal by lack of resources".
This report presents the proceedings of the First Regional Conference on Secondary Education in Africa, organized by the World Bank in June 2003 and hosted by the Uganda Ministry of Education. The conference forms part of a major multi-year (2002-2005) work program on Secondary Education in Africa (SEIA) conducted by the Human Development Department of the Africa Region of the World Bank. …
HIV/AIDS and education