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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands


Important step forward towards establishing 'wise practice agreement' in the White Sea - Barents Sea Region May 2004
University Twining Networks (UNITWIN) Towards Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development (WiCoP): "A Place for Indigenous People Living in Thailand's Andaman Sea Marine Protected Areas: Surin Islands Marine National Park and Tarutao Marine National Park" (Stakeholder Research Agreement: English - Thai)
Promotion of indigenous wise practices: food security, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea: field project assessment Jan. '04
Long-term monitoring of biodiversity and culture in two coastal villages near the South Africa – Mozambique border, Dec'.03
Coastal resources management and ecotourism: an integrated approach to localizing sustainable development Ulugan Bay, Palawan, Philippines: field project assessment Nov '03
Environmental management and public participation, north Kurzeme coastal region, Latvia: Field project assessment April '03; field project summary August '01
Managing conflicts over resources and values - continental coasts 2002, CSI papers 12
Partners in coastal development. The Motu Koitabu people of Papua New Guinea '01 CSI papers 9
Integrated coastal management, Rio de la Plata, Uruguay (ECOPLATA): project summary, August '01 English Español
Promotion of indigenous wise practices: medicinal knowledge and freshwater fish, Moripi Cultural Area, Gulf Province; food security, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea: project summary April '01
Bequia's Sandwatch Programme March '01
Program targets Early childhood learning Feb. '01
Drive to clean coasts September '00
Let's save our coastline September '00
Thailand’s sea nomads, August '00 English   Français   Español
D’une bonne idée à un projet réussi
Manuel pour le développement et la gestion de projets à l’échelle locale  mai 2000  CSI info No. 9  
UNESCO Conference on Sustainable Development of Coastal Resources in the Nordic and Baltic countries (Fredrikstad, Norway May 6-8, 1999), Executive Summary
Samoa: preserving marine heritage          English Français Español
Haiti: Bringing the sea back to life           English Français Español
Fisher to fisher. A grass-roots approach to improved fishery management   September ’98
Coastal Management ‘wise practices’    September ’98
CARICOMP links social and natural scientists
Fishy business           English Français Español
Common ground on divided territory     English Français Español
Combating desertification in coastal Africa: a campaign to alert the local population  
Pacific water studies gain from new small islands project  
"Buanerake": a new word for evaporation  
Dakar, Yoff district (Senegal): community-based management of cultural and biological diversity English Français
Dakar, Yeumbeul district (Senegal): groundwater quality and hygiene  English Français
Strategic planning workshop for the stakeholders of the Ulugan Bay area (Philippines)  
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