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Environment and development
in coastal regions and in small islands


Strategies for the improvement of the quality of life in Ponta do Ouro, southern Mozambique, July '05
Insect Biodiversity in Southern Mozambique as an Indicator for Sustainable Coastal Management, Dec. '04
The interaction between ecology and agriculture in Mabibi, South Africa, Oct. '04
Report on 2003 activities in the Unesco project on cultural and ecological responses to development on the Maputaland coast of SE Africa, Dec. '03
Long-term monitoring of biodiversity and culture in two coastal villages near the South Africa – Mozambique border, Dec'.03
An ecological assessment of Ulugan Bay, Palawan, Philippines '02   CSI info 12
Development-conservation strategies for integrated coastal management, Maputaland, South Africa and Mozambique:
field project assessment February '02
field project summary October '01
UNESCO Chair in marine sciences and oceanography, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique summary October '01
Monitoring the coastal zone of tropical southeast Africa for eco-tourism attributes and environmental influences on biodiversity: progress report August '01
Integrated coastal management, Rio de la Plata, Uruguay (ECOPLATA): project summary August '01
Gulf of Fonseca (Honduras & El Salvador) - sustainable mangrove management
A survey of tropical southeastern Africa in the context of coastal zone management 
Coup de balai aux Arcadins / Clean sweep at the Arcadins Islands
CARICOMP - Caribbean coral reef, seagrass and mangrove sites  CSI papers 3      
The UNESCO coral reef programme 1985-1995
The UNESCO mangrove programme 1982-1990
The BioPlata project. An innovative biodiversity project in South America
Les études pluridisciplinaires côtières au Sénégal
Gulf of Finland environment under focus at Suomenlinna (24-26 May 1996)
Strategic planning workshop for the stakeholders of the Ulugan Bay area (Philippines)
Management of Haiti's coastal region
Coastal ecosystem productivity network in the Caribbean
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