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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Psychosocial care and support for young children and infants in the time of HIV and Aids: A resource for programming

    This publication is offered as a resource for programme staff in organisations that work with babies and young children, or their parents or caregivers, in the context of HIV and Aids, poverty and conflict. It is not intended for direct presentation to grassroots community workers, parents or caregivers.It can be used to develop programmes, training or action sheets for local needs. The material contained in this publication can be used as a set of principles or guidelines.

  2. Mucho más que dos: sistematización de experiencias de prevención de la transmisión madrehijo del VIH-sida

    Sistematización de experiencias de prevención de transmisión vertical de VIH en Argentina. Las características de las mujeres embarazadas viviendo con VIH en ese país, la relación entre los servicios de salud y organizaciones de la sociedad civil.

  3. Preguntas y respuestas sobre la infección por VIH/SIDA y sobre la transmisión materno infantil del VIH

    Proyecto del gobierno de Colombia y la Unión Europea de reducción de la transmisión madre-hijo del VIH. Guía informativa con preguntas y respuestas respecto al VIH/sida: su forma de transmisión, prácticas riesgosas, transmisión de madre a hijo y el sistema de apoyo del gobierno de Colombia para personas que viven con VIH.

  4. Aunties for sexual and reproductive health. How unwed young mothers become advocates, teachers and counsellors in Cameroon

    In Cameroon, a girl's Auntie used to be her most trusted confidante, teacher and counsellor on sexual matters. In 2001, GTZ launched the Aunties Programme which borrows from this tradition. Since then, the Programme has recruited more than 6000 unwed young mothers who got pregnant while still in their teens and has given them basic training in sexual and reproductive health. …

  5. Respect choice. Safe abortion a prerequisite for safe motherhood

    Respect Choice. Safe Abortion a Prerequisite for Safe Motherhood is the fourth in a series of publications presented by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU) in 2004, in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in 1994. This book consists of a collection of articles about the issue of safe abortion. …

  6. Retos planteados por la epidemia del VIH en América Latina y el Caribe 2009

    Este informe aparece más de tres años después de que los países de América Latina y el Caribe se comprometieran con la meta de acceso universal para la prevención, el tratamiento, la atención y el apoyo de las personas con VIH, tal como se estableció en la Reunión de Alto Nivel de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA en 2006. OPS, UNICEF y ONUSIDA le presentan Retos planteados por la epidemia del VIH en América Latina y el Caribe 2009 con el fin de contribuir a lograr avances hacia dicha meta. …

  7. Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA

    Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA esta um manual elaborado por Irmã Silke-Andrea Mallman com a colaboração da Ação Católica de Apoio ao AIDS, Maskew Miller Longman e UNESCO em 2004. Não é necessário que as crianças adoeçam ou que sejam infectadas pelo vírus de HIV para que também sejam afectadas pelas suas consequências. O documento é um guia prático destinado a ajudar a crianças afectadas pelos HIV e AIDS a edificar a sua própria resiliência e equipá-las para melhor controlarem o seu próprio destino. …

  8. Program M. Working with young women: empowerment, rights and health

    This manual is part of Program M - 'M' for 'mulheres' ('women' in Portuguese) and 'mujeres' ('women' in Spanish) - an international initiative to promote young women's empowerment and health. It includes a series of group educational activities to promote young women's awareness of gender inequities, rights and health, and to empower them with applicable skills in different spheres of their lives. The manual has been field-tested in Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico and Nicaragua. …

  9. Youth reproductive and sexual health

    The study provides information on key reproductive and sexual health indicators in young women and men age 15-24 in 38 developing countries. The data come from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) conducted between 2001 and 2005. Indicators are selected for the following key areas: background characteristics; adolescent pregnancy; contraception; sexual activity; and HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Additional analysis examines the association of various individual and household characteristics with the key indicators.

  10. National HIV/AIDS policy

    The goal of this policy is to prevent HIV infections, to reduce vulnerability to HIV, to improve the provision of treatment, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and to mitigate the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on individuals, families, communities and the nation. The objectives are to: 1. Prevent HIV infections, 2. Improve delivery of prevention, treatment, care and support services, 3. Mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on individuals, the family and communities, 4. Reduce individual and societal vulnerability to HIV/AIDS through the creation of an enabling environment. 5. …

  11. Nepal: support communication to enhance young mothers' reproductive health

    This study was undertaken as part of a reproductive health project implemented by the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) and the Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), sought to improve social norms that leave young women vulnerable to health risks related to early marriage and childbearing and limited access to reproductive health services. It was found that communication-based support to mothersÆ groups and newly formed youth communication groups improved reproductive health knowledge and behavior among young married women in Nepal.

  12. Children having children. State of the World's Mothers 2004

    The report focuses on girls around the world who marry and have babies while they are still children themselves, resulting in maternal and child mortalities and for those who survive, a struggle to overcome poor health, limited education, and grinding poverty. The report recommends ways to help girls delay marriage and motherhood until they are emotionally and physically ready to give birth and raise children and suggests programmatic and policy solutions to help child mothers and their babies survive and thrive. …

  13. Behaviour change communication master plan for reproductive health

    A basic reference for IEC and Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) interventions for reproductive health programmes in Myanmar. Intended for those responsible for planning and implementing IEC and BCC interventions such as programme planners, programme managers and IEC personnel, the book serves as a guide for planning BCC campaigns or as a source of ideas for campaigns. It also offers a set of RH messages including adolescent reproductive health and HIV/AIDS, and safe motherhood, that have been developed in partnership with the various organizations working in the field of RH in Myanmar.

  14. Missing [brochure] : mapping the adverse child sex ratio in India

    The brochure captures the decline in the number of girls as compared to boys in India. It presents maps for the reader to understand the worsening conditions of the girl child and shows how the child sex ratio has deteriorated across the country over the last decade.

  15. It takes 2: Partnering with men in reproductive and sexual health

    Partnering with men is emerging as an important strategy for improving reproductive health. This new publication offers guidance on effective and gender-sensitive ways to engage men in the reproductive and sexual health of themselves and their partners. It includes examples of successful strategies and programming as well as lessons learned. A checklist summarizing key points makes this programme advisory note an especially useful tool for both designing and evaluating projects.


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Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.