Washington DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Initiative, Task Order I, 2010. 51 p.
Formson, Constance
Forsythe, Steven
Futures Group, Health Policy Initiative, Task order I
United States Agency for International Development, USAID
The number of children under the age of 18 in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) who have lost one or both parents to AIDS has increased dramatically in the last five years. The number of children orphaned by AIDS in SSA is estimated to be around 12 million (UNICEF, 2006). Many more children live with one or more chronically ill or dying parents and or live in poverty stricken and food insecure households. In response to this crisis, governments, civil society and international institutions have developed a range of programs to provide protection, care and support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and their families. However current efforts still remain insufficient to address the OVC situation and a massive scale-up of interventions is required to make an impact. To facilitate such a scale-up, policy makers require estimates on future program costs. Projecting such costs is difficult owing to limited data on the current costs of OVC interventions. Although cost analyses have been conducted for a wide variety of HIV and AIDS interventions, very few have been done on the costs of services provided to OVC. The objective of this report is to provide an analysis of the costs of OVC interventions in Botswana from the perspective of a sample of 19 service organizations. This report is therefore one of the first steps towards understanding the actual short-term and long-term costs of OVC support in Botswana.
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