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The objective of this Young People's Booklet is to prevent HIV, other STIs and unplanned pregnancies and gender-based violence among 15-24 year old out of school young people by providing them with: - knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention, especially the main ways HIV is transmitted in Papu New Guinea; - chances to think about their values, attitudes, risks and intentions related to sexuality and hear about those of their peers; - opportunities to prevent HIV and access health services and have better relationships; - fun learning experiences. …
Strengthening the rights of the child is a priority area for SADC-EU cooperation. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the SADC countries places many of these rights in jeopardy, among them the right to education.
We invesitigated the impact of HIV/AIDS on athe attainment of basic education in Kenya. The following policy-related questions were addressed: What are the impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on education-performance indicators (e.g. rates of enrollment, dropping out, absenteeism, grade-level/course repetition, and transition) in primary and secondary schools? Does HIV/AIDS affect teacher attrition (retirements, deaths, illness, and absenteeism) in Kenya? What policies and strategies has the government implemented in the education sector to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic? …
For the goals of Education for All (EFA) to be achieved, children must be healthy enough not only to attend school but also to learn while there. Because school health and nutrition programs specifically benefit poor, sick, and hungry children, they can make a key contribution to achieving EFA's goals. However, children can benefit only if the programs reach them. …
There is an emerging corpus of work on the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on education in sub-Saharan Africa. This mainly employs demographic models to make projections of student enrolments and teacher requirements. However, there is a paucity of research in basic schools to examine the experiences of AIDS-affected teachers and students. This study explored staff and student perceptions of the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the education of affected children in high-prevalence districts of the Copperbelt province of Zambia. …
In Zambia, many children have lost one or both parents to HIV and AIDS, leaving them with the responsibility of caring for younger siblings and with little money for school necessities, such as uniforms and books. Oxfam GB is working in partnership with communities and local organisations, including the Zambia Education and Development Advocacy Organisation (ZEDAO), Children In Distress (CINDI) and YWCA Mongu to achieve high quality education for all, giving future generations the chance to lift their communities out of poverty.
Over the past 15 years, girls' education in the developing world has been a story of progress. Interest and financial backing from the development community have grown steadily in response to accumulating evidence documenting the many benefits of girls' schooling, and female education is now a major part of global development commitments, including the Millennium Development Goals.The information collected for this report suggest that relatively few programs are specifically designed with the developmental and learning needs of adolescent girls in mind. …
The Doorways training program was designed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Safe Schools Program to enable teachers, community members and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). Violence in and around schools is a worldwide problem with serious implications for the educational attainment, health and well-being of all children. …
The Doorways training program was designed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Safe Schools Program to enable teachers, community members and students to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). Violence in and around schools is a worldwide problem with serious implications for the educational attainment, health and well-being of all children. …
The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing access and retention in secondary schooling for orphans and other vulnerable children living in high HIV prevalence areas of Lesotho. A case study approach was used to address this aim. The findings from this study have been used to inform an intervention that seeks to increase access to learning and thereby reduce drop-out and repetition rates in secondary schools. This study and the intervention are part of a larger programme of research known as the SOFIE Project (see …
Strong foundations, Early childhood care and education is the EFA (Education for All) Global Monitoring Report 2007 made under the supervision of UNESCO. It is part of The Education for All movement; a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults by 2015. This report focuses on the first EFA goal, which calls upon countries to expand and improve early childhood care and education - a holistic package encompassing care, health and nutrition in addition to education. …
This book describes the successful efforts to mainstream gender into the National Strategic Framework (NSF). Part 1 presents the situation analysis that set out the context of the Nigerian case study. Part 2 describes the processes employed and steps taken to mainstream gender into the NSF, and highlights the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the Nigerian experience. The book provides a model that other countries can emulate.
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in family planning", special issue on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa, published in December 2008. This study uses data from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to examine the factors associated with schoolgirl pregnancy and subsequent educational pathways. …
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in Family Planning", special issue on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, published in December 2008. It examines transitions in schooling, sexual activity, and pregnancy among adolescents and young adults in urban South Africa. Data are analyzed from the Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS), a recently collected longitudinal survey of young adults and their families in metropolitan Cape Town. We find that teen pregnancy is not entirely inconsistent with continued schooling, especially for African women. …
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in Family Planning", special issue on "Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa", published in December 2008. As formal schooling spreads within sub-Saharan Africa, a growing proportion of adolescents remain enrolled in school when they "come of age". As a consequence more and more adolescents have to negotiate sexual maturation and sexual initiation in a different context than from that of counterparts in prior generations. …