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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The link between health, social issues, and secondary education : life skills, health, and civic education

    This thematic study is about the link between health, social issues and secondary education. The study is based on country studies in six Sub Saharan Africa countries (Eritrea, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania) and a literature review. It looks at the role of secondary education and training in promoting health, civics and life skills among the African youth. …

  2. The gendered impact of HIV/AIDS on education in South Africa and Swaziland: Save the Children's experiences

    Children are dropping out of school in large numbers in communities affected by HIV/AIDS, despite policies and programmes that are designed to support their continued attendance. Research carried out by Save the Children in South Africa and Swaziland concludes that factors influencing drop-out are poverty related, exacerbated by HIV/AIDS. These factors also play out in gendered ways. …

  3. Mortality, mobility, and schooling outcomes among orphans. Evidence from Malawi

    More than 30 percent of school-aged children have lost at least one parent in Malawi. Lack of investments in human capital and adverse conditions during childhood are often associated with lower living standards in the future. Therefore, if orphans face an increased risk of poverty, exploitation, malnutrition, and poorer access to health care and schooling, early intervention is critical so as to avoid the potential poverty trap. …

  4. AIDS-related parental loss: does the age when the trauma occurs matter?

    The purpose of this paper is to use data from the Kagera region of northwestern Tanzania to investigate the long run impact of the timing of parental death on the education outcomes. …

  5. The voices and identities of Botswana's school children. Gender, sexuality, HIV/AIDS and life skills in education

    Although Botswana's youth constitute 47% of the total population, HIV prevalence among pregnant women aged 15-19 years stands at 22.8% and 38.6% for the 20-24 year olds. The 2004 Botswana AIDS Impact Survey (BAIS II) results continue to show that the virus has a very acute gender dimension, where for every HIV positive boy aged 15-19 years, there are three HIV positive girls. Although education statistics (2001) show a general decline in primary school dropout rate, pregnancy alone contributed to 1.8% of all dropouts nationwide. …

  6. Report on knowledge-attitude-practice survey in relation to HIV and AIDS of In-Out of school children and needs assessment of children infected and affected by HIV and AIDS, in Binh Thanh, Go Vap and Hoc Mon districts of Ho Chi Minh city

    This surveyed was commissioned to Life Quality Promotion Centre (Life Centre) by Save the Children UK with the main objectives to (i) find out Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) of children and youth related to HIV and AIDS and other related topics, and (ii) assess the needs for care and support of HIV and AIDS-infected and affected children and youth. …

  7. The use of open, distance and flexible learning (ODFL) initiatives to open up access to education in the context of high HIV and AIDS prevalence rates: the case of Lesotho

    This paper describes the extent of the national HIV and AIDS epidemic in Lesotho and identifies and analyses key Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) initiatives currently being implemented to increase access to education including those for vulnerable young people including those affected by HIV and AIDS. The paper draws on documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews conducted with stakeholders from government departments and non-governmental organisations involved in HIV and AIDS and in the Non-Formal Education Sector. …

  8. Education and HIV and AIDS in Malawi: the role of distance and flexible learning

    In a context in which HIV and AIDS is affecting many lives around the globe, education has been described as the most effective 'social vaccine' against this pandemic. Getting every child into school seems to be essential to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS. However, worldwide evidence suggests that HIV and AIDS have swamped education sectors with a range of challenges, especially in countries were education sectors were already weak. As a result, many children are not accessing education or are leaving school before achieving basic literacy and numeracy skills. …

  9. Adolescent pregnancy and parenting: controversies of the past and lessons for the future

    This paper presents some new facts by examining the validity of nine beliefs about adolescent pregnancy: that nothing can reduce the rate of adolescent pregnancy; that pregnancy adolescents experience poor pregnancy outcomes; that adolescent mothers do not complete their high school education; that pregnant adolescents have large families; that adolescent mothers remain on welfare for long periods; that pregnancy in adolescence is a mistake and, given a chance to overcome the immediate problems associated with it, young mothers can go on to lead normal lives; that welfare causes adolescent pre …

  10. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on primary education: A Case study on selected districts of Kenya

    This study compares, describes, and analyzes the impact of HIV/Aids on primary education in Kenya in terms of enrolment, participation, completion and drop-out rates of pupils in selected urban and rural case study schools in two districts, Homa Bay and Murang'a. Utilising special techniques from focus group discussion (FGD) and interviews, the study explores the impact of HIV/AIDS on the two disctricts paying special attention to gender perspectives, AIDS orphans and the stigma related to HIV/AIDS. …


Our mission

Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.