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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Early marriage, pregnancy and girl child school dropout

    The aim of this review was to present the recent evidence on the impact of early marriage and/or pregnancy on the rates of girl child drop out. It also synthesises evidence that focus on laws, policies and practices that force pregnant girls or new mothers out of school. Although early marriage and pregnancy are often linked to school dropout, evidence proving a direct and causal link is limited. This is because early marriage and pregnancy can be both the cause and consequence of dropping out of school. …

  2. Zambia’s school re-entry policy for adolescent mothers: examining impacts beyond re-enrollment

    The persistently high rate of adolescent pregnancy, particularly among poor girls and in rural areas, is one of the reasons that universal secondary school completion remains elusive in Zambia. We used a mixed methods approach to explore how Zambia’s re-entry policy is related to young mothers’ outcomes beyond re-enrollment in school. We found that girls with knowledge of the policy were less likely to be forced out of school while pregnant and perceived less stigma after delivery. …

  3. Jamaica’s policy for the school reintegration of school-age mothers. How are we doing and where do we need to go?

    This paper examines the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Jamaica, the girls most affected, and where and when they are most vulnerable. The paper also discusses the provisions for continuing education under the National Policy for the Reintegration of School-Age Mothers into the Formal School System. It assesses whether the policy is reaching the target group and its effectiveness in addressing access to secondary education for teen mothers.

  4. Teenage pregnancy and school drop-out in South Africa: facts, figures and possible interventions

    This fact sheet is designed for educators, concerned community and parent organisations, as well as education officials. It provides facts and figures on teenage pregnancy in South Africa, and offers suggestions for reducing the number of girl learners who fall pregnant, and as well as suggestions for getting young mothers back into school. This fact sheet, the third in a series of five, is based on the HSRC’s 2009 Teenage Pregnancy Report and the Access to Education study, which was undertaken by Social Surveys and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS). …

  5. Ley No. 29600: Ley que fomenta la reinserción escolar por embarazo

    Ley No. 29600: Ley que fomenta la reinserción escolar por embarazo

  6. Aprueban el reglamento de la Ley No. 29600, Ley que fomenta la reinserción escolar por embarazo: Decreto Supremo No. 002-2013-ED

    El Reglamento tiene por objeto regular la Ley No. 29600, Ley que fomenta la reinserción escolar por embarazo, estableciendo procedimientos y medidas que garanticen, por parte de las instituciones educativas e instancias de gestión educativa descentralizada, el derecho a la permanencia en el servicio educativo de las estudiantes en situación de embarazo o maternidad, que considere las oportunidades y las facilidades para su continuidad o reingreso, sin que su condición sea un obstáculo o impedimento.

  7. Assessing the effect of teenage pregnancy on achieving universal basic education in Ghana: a case study of Upper Denkyira West District

    The consequences of teenage pregnancy are gigantic and inimical to the wellbeing of adolescent population as well as development in the broad-spectrum. As a result, this study assessed the effect of teenage pregnancy on achieving universal basic education in Ghana: a case study of Upper Denkyira West District. The research design employed for this study was the mixed approach. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied for the study. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were applied in selecting respondents for the study and the sample size was 80. …

  8. Kenya: helping adolescent mothers remain in school through strengthened implementation of school re-entry policies

    The goal of this case study is to document an activity of the STEP UP research programme consortium which resulted in successful evidence utilization. This is to both demonstrate the positive impact STEP UP is having on family planning and reproductive health policies, as well as to document the process by which this was achieved so as to inform future research of successful strategies and lessons learned. …

  9. Teen pregnancy and high school dropout: what communities can do to address these issues

    The primary focus of this report is to highlight innovative ways school systems - particularly persistently low-achieving school districts with high teen birth rates - and public agencies and community-based organizations that oversee teen pregnancy prevention programs are working together with the common goal of helping students avoid too-early pregnancy and parenthood and complete their high school education. …

  10. Good practices Tanzania: providing alternative learning for adolescent mothers

    Tanzania has one of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancies in the world. When a female secondary student falls pregnant, the practice has been to permanently expel her. This is the fate of approximately 6000 female students every year. This is anticipated to change within the context of the rollout of the new Education and Vocational Training Policy 2014. …

  11. UNESCO Tanzania: Provision of alternative learning opportunities for adolescent girls forced out of schools due to teenage pregnancies. Final evaluation report

    The aim of the pilot programme was to 1) provide adolescent girls who had been previously expelled from secondary school due to pregnancies, access to alternative learning opportunities and empower them through income generating and life skills; 2) develop and test self-learning modules and empowerment toolkits for learners and facilitators; and 3) assess and document good practices and achievements to inform strategies addressing the issues related to adolescent girls. …

  12. Expanding access to secondary school education for teenage mothers in Kenya: a baseline study report

    The objectives of this study were to: 1) foster an understanding of the current situation and context in regard to out-of-school teenage mothers and their potential support systems for school re-entry at the household and school levels in Homa Bay County, 2) clarify possible solutions for promoting school re-entry on the part of out-of-school girls, their families, and the education sector, and 3) provide a benchmark against which changes resulting from an intervention to promote school re-entry may be measured by the endline period.

  13. Education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy: a policy dialogue in Homa Bay County, Kenya

    In collaboration with the Strengthening Evidence for Programming on Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP) Research Programme Consortium, the Population Council has implemented a project since 2014 to increase the demand for secondary school education in Homa Bay County, Kenya – an area characterized by high, unintended teenage pregnancy and female school drop-out rates.

  14. Adolescent pregnancy and education trajectories in Malawi

    Education is a vital component of the preparation for adulthood, and is closely linked to transitions into marriage and parenting. Childbearing among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa remains high, while primary school completion is far from universal. This paper uses longitudinal data from five rounds of the Malawi Schooling and Adolescent Study to investigate how becoming pregnant while attending school influences medium-term educational outcomes of young women. …

  15. Etude sur les grossesses en milieu scolaire

    L’objectif principal de l’étude était defaire une analyse qualitative et quantitative du phénomène de grossesses en milieu scolaire et proposer des solutions réalistes et pertinentes pour la prévention. A l’école certains condisciples des élèves/écolières mères les discriminent, certains enseignants les stigmatisent, mais il y en a d’autres qui compatissent. Les grossesses scolaires ont des conséquences scolaires, sociales, économiques, physiques et psychologiques. Les contenus des programmes scolaires en matière de l’éducation sexuelle et la santé de la reproduction est à enrichir. …


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