Perth: Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia, 2013. 19 p.
Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia
It is a fundamental right of every child and young person to feel safe in their school environment. Western Australian schools pride themselves on being safe and effective learning environments that cater for the diverse needs of all students, including those who are (LGBTI) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse people. Recognising LGBTI students and staff as an everyday part of the social mix of the school community is important in responding appropriately to their needs. These Guidelines are intended to support Western Australian schools in their ongoing endeavours to maintain positive learning environments that are inclusive of diversity and safe from discrimination, bullying and harassment based on sexual orientation, intersex difference and gender identity. These Guidelines encapsulate key information for schools to build on the good practice that is already occurring to enable all students to feel safe and included in their school communities. These Guidelines have been developed by the Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia. The Commission has worked with a Steering Commitiee on Challenging Gender and Sexuality Based Bullying and Discrimination in Schools which has included members from government and non government sectors.
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