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Maintaining and enhancing educational quality in the context of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is particularly difficult because the virus is infecting increasing numbers of teaching and administrative staff in the education sector. The epidemic is also affecting pupils. Many have lost one or both parents, leading to financial strains and erratic attendance. In this context, it is important to track on a regular basis factors affecting educational quality during the school year in order to take corrective and preventive measures. …
En collaboration avec le Ministère de la lutte contre le SIDA, le Ministère de la santé, de la population et de l'hygiène publique, du Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la formation de base, l'Internationale de l'éducation section Côte d'Ivoire avec l'appui financier de l'Internationale de l'éducation (IESCI) a décidé de mener une enquête épidémiologique VIH/SIDA sur les enseignants des régions du haut Sassandra et du Moyen Comoe en Côte d'Ivoire. L'objectif général de cette étude est d'étudier les causes de décès des enseignants. …
Education plays a key role in the development of any society. Responding to the need for empirical evidence on the demand for and supply of public educators in South Africa, the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) commissioned the Human Sciences Research Council-led consortium to conduct nation-wide research on the factors determining educator supply and demand in South African public education system. …
This report presents findings of a study carried out to assess capacity issues in the context of the increasing incidence of disease in general and HIV/AIDS in particular on the public education sector. The first part of the report presents findings from the systems level. Here, economic conditions, the policy and institutional framework and human resource development as they relate to sector capacity are discussed. Thereafter, a sector review on the morbidity and mortality situation is outlined. …
This report commissioned by ADEA sets out to understand how HIV/AIDS affects African universities and to identify responses. Based on case studies at 7 universities in 6 countries (Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia) it compares and analyses the findings.
HIV/AIDS has, unequivocally, led to increased morbidity and mortality among young adults in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Although all sectors of society have been affected, one sector in particular has been the focus for attention and controversy: teachers. This paper does not attempt to assess what the actual and likely impact of the epidemic is on teachers. Instead, it attempts to draw together the different approaches to understanding the impact on teachers: highlighting the key methodological issues and consequent gaps and recommendations. …
An update on the AIDS epidemic in Botswana. HIV prevalence, morbidity and mortality, orphans
This chapter describes the staffing situation, both nationally and in the survey schools. The second section then pulls together the available data to assess current levels of mortality, morbidity and absenteism by staff. The third section reviews the efforts that have been made to prevent and mitigate the impact of the epidemic on staff.