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The project was carried out in the period between December 2009 and December 2010 within the "Activate!" and "For LGBT Youth" programs of the Društvo informacijski center Legebitra.The fundamental aims of the project were: To gather and analyze information on the situation of LGBT teachers in Slovenia; To monitor and record the level of homophobia in the school system; To raise awareness in schools and among the wider public about the situation of LGBT teachers, and to put forward the recommendations for necessary social and systematic changes when fighting homophobia.
This report explores three countries’ responses to one aspect of LGBT marginalization—school harassment of LGBT youth. In particular, the authors studied the policies and programs of the United States, Germany and Brazil in an effort to identify lessons learned that could help ameliorate school harassment of LGBT youth and create the beginnings of a 3Rs movement to end homophobia and transphobia and the negative impact they have on young people. These countries where selected as snapshots of important, trend-setting work being done in different regions of the world. …
The academic consequences of bullying are severe, not to mention the mental and physical well-being of targeted students and bystanders alike. Bullying is not a new phenomenon, of course, but neither is it an unalterable fact of childhood. School-wide anti-bullying projects, involving parents and non-teaching staff along with teachers and student leaders have been shown to reduce harassment by as much as fifty percent.
This document is a resource for NGOs and CBOs to build greater understanding of how gender and sexuality determine vulnerability to HIV. The document also highlights major human rights declarations, treaties and recommendations that can be used by individuals and associations to advocate for their rights and hold decision makers accountable to their commitments. This document is a summary of a desk-based review of literature that examines the factors that contribute to the vulnerability and risk of HIV infection in men, women, and men who have sex with men (MSM). …
Perguntas e Respostas sobre Orientação Sexual e Identidade de Género é uma brochura elaborada pelo Projecto Educação LGBT da Rede ex aequo, associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes com o apoio financeiro dela Fundação Europeia da Juventude do Conselho da Europa e o Instituto Português da Juventude. O documento foi concebido especialmente para alunos a fim de fornecer informações básicas sobre as questões de orientação sexual. …
Educar Para a Diversidade. Um Guia para Professores sobre Orientação Sexual e Identidade de Género é uma brochura elaborada pelo Projecto Educação LGBT da Rede ex aequo, associação de jovens lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transgéneros e simpatizantes com o apoio financeiro dela Fundação Europeia da Juventude do Conselho da Europa. Esta brochura foi concebida não só para oferecer recursos adequados aos agentes educativos, mas também para oferecer sugestões práticas para a redução da homofobia e da transfobia nas escolas. O objectivo final é garantir a segurança e bem-estar de todos os estudantes. …
La presente Guía es el resultado de una política global establecida por ONUSIDA en lo que concierne al binomio derechos humanos y VIH, que tiene su implementación como acción prioritaria de la Oficina Regional para América Latina. En esta línea, ONUSIDA en sociedad con el Centro Internacional de Cooperación Técnica y el Grupo de Cooperación Técnica Horizontal para América Latina y Caribe (GCTH) promovieron en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro en julio de 2006 un taller con expertas y expertos en el tema, para el desarrollo de propuestas y acciones a ser adoptadas en el ámbito de la región. …