Ginebra: 2005. 107 p.
Title other languages:
Directives conjointes OIT/OMS sur les services de santé et le VIH/sida
Directrices mixtas OIT/OMS sobre los servicios de salud y el VIH/SIDA
Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS (in Arabic)
Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS (in Russian)
Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS (in Chinese)
Pedoman bersama ILO/WHO tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan dan HIV/AIDS Penerbitan pertama
Directrizes conjuntas OIT/OMS sobre os serviços de saúde e a infecção VIH/sida
Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS (in Thai)
Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS (in Vietnamese)
The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the sound management of HIV/AIDS in health services, including the prevention of occupational exposure. Furthermore, the purpose is to ensure that health-care workers have decent, safe and healthy working conditions, while ensuring effective care that respects the needs and rights of patients, especially those living with HIV/AIDS. These guidelines rest on the basic principle that the process of policy development and implementation should be the result of consultation and collaboration between all concerned parties, based on social dialogue and including, to the extent possible, persons and workers living with HIV/AIDS. They take a rights-based approach to HIV/AIDS, as promoted by the Declaration of Commitment and the international community at large, expanding on ILO and WHO HIV/AIDS and occupational safety and health instruments.
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