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National Commissions: UNESCO
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Namibia National Commission for UNESCO
General Information
English NameNamibia National Commission for UNESCO
French NameCommission nationale de Namibie pour l'UNESCO

Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation
Private Bag 13406
Government Office Park
Luther Street

Correspondence LanguageENGLISH
Office Holders
NameHon. Dr David Namwandi
StartedMay 2013
Government PostMinister of Education

NameMr Roderick April
Acting as[X]
StartedJuly 2016

Date and Method of CreationOn 21 January 1992.
StatusGovernmental (1 Ministry)
Department attached toMinistry of Education
LegislationThe National Commission has a Constitution.
Documentation CentreThe National Commission has established a Documentation Centre, which mainly holds UNESCO publications. As the National Commission is located in the Ministry of Education, its Documentation Centre welcomes a large number of people. The Centre, which is computerized, is administered by the librarians of the National Library.
In 2000, the Commission obtained space in the National Library where the Commission established a UNESCO material section.
Structure of the CommissionThe National Commission is composed of:
- The General Assembly
- The Executive Committee
- The Secretariat
- Four Programme Committees.
Members/Composition75 individual members, including the members of the Executive and Programme Committees
Executive CommitteeComposed of 13 members representing the relevant Ministries (Education; Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture; Foreign Affairs; Information and Communication Technology; Gender Equality and Child Welfare), educational institutions and NGOs. The Executive Committee meets at least three times a year.
General AssemblyComposed of 75 members including the members of the Executive Committee and the Programme Committees. The General Assembly meets once a year. The Commissioners are appointed by the Minister of Education for a period of five years after receipt of nominations made by the relevant Ministries and institutions. Two additional Commissioners are identified by the General Assembly.
Committees or Sub-CommitteesFour Programme Committees: 1) Education; 2) Sciences; 3) Culture; 4) Communication and Information
Committees/Sub-Committees Details
Number of Committees or Sub-Committees4
PeriodicityEach committee meets as required by the Chairperson or as re
Sub-committee Topics[X] Education
[X] Science
[X] Culture
[X] Communication
Interaction with UNESCO and National Commissions
OverviewThe Namibia National Commission works together with the National Commissions of Germany, Slovenia, South Africa and other National Commissions in Africa.
In 2000, the Commission cooperated with the Slovenian National Commission with the view of strengthening the ASP schools. The Commission had also a joint project of a Culture of Peace with the South African National Commission.
Activities Report - Namibia National Commission for UNESCO
DistributionMinistries, Partner Institutions, Associated Schools, Teacher Resource Centres.
Annual Report - Ministry of Education
DistributionMinistries, Associated Schools, Teacher Resource Centres