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National Commissions: UNESCO
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Swaziland National Commission for UNESCO
General Information
English NameSwaziland National Commission for UNESCO
French NameCommison nationale du Swaziland pour l'UNESCO

Ministry of Education and Training – 5th Floor
Hospital Road
Treasury Square

Mail AddressMinistry of Education and Training
P.O. Box 39
Phone(268) 404.21 29 (SG);
(268) 404.24 91; (Ministry of Education)
(268) 404.24 92
Fax(268) 404.54 48 (Nat.Com);
(268) 404.38 80 (Ministry of Education)
E-mailtinkasha@yahoo.co.uk (SG); natcomswazi@yahoo.com
Correspondence LanguageENGLISH
Office Holders
NameHon Dr. Phineas L. Magagula
StartedDecember 2014

NameMr Patrick Muir
TitleChairperson, Principal Secretary
Election DateSeptember 2008
Mandated duration
StartedSeptember 2008

NameMrs Hazel Zungu
Election DateJanuary 2009
Mandated duration
StartedJanuary 2009

Date and Method of Creation1978 by a Cabinet approval
StatusGovernmental (1 Ministry)
Documentation CentreThe Documentation Centre, which is administered by a professional librarian has not only UNESCO publications, but also publications from the Commonwealth and other international, governmental institutions' publications. The Centre is frequently visited by students, researchers and academics.
Structure of the CommissionThe National Commission is composed of:
- The General Assembly, which meets at least once a year;
- The Executive Committee (comprising the Chairpersons of the five Programme Committees and the Secretary-General), which meets at least three times a year;
- Five Sub-Committees responsible for: education; human and social sciences; natural sciences; culture; and communication. They all comprise experts from the relevant field, ministries, national organizations and institutions, and NGOs. The Sub-Committees meet at least four times a year;
- The Secretariat.
Members/CompositionThe National Commission comprises representatives of Ministries, national organizations and NGOs specialized in the fields of UNESCO's competence, as well as prominent academics.
Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee is comprised of the Chairpersons of the five programme committees and the Secretary-General. They meet at least three times a year.
General AssemblyThe General Assembly is comprised of prominent academics who represent all UNESCO's fields of competence. They meet at least once a year.
Committees or Sub-CommitteesThere are five sub-committees on: education, human and social sciences, natural sciences, culture, and communication. Each is comprised of experts from the relevant field, ministries, national organizations and institutions, NGOs, and parastatals. The sub-committees meet at least four time per annum, more if circumstances require it.
Interaction with UNESCO and National Commissions
OverviewThe National Commission has participated in workshops organized by other African National Commissions (Botswana, Namibia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia) and collaborates with the UNESCO Cluster Offices in Windhoek, in Dakar (BREDA) and in Harare.
Report on the Sub-regional Workshop on Information and Communication Technology in Education
PeriodicityPunctual: February 1998
FinancingUNESCO Secretariat Government of the Netherlands
Report on the Functional Literacy Training for Adult Educators in Swaziland
PeriodicityPunctual: October-December 1996
FinancingUNESCO Secretariat
Research Report on Information and Communication Technoogy in Swaziland Education
PeriodicityPunctual: August 1997
FinancingUNESCO Secretariat