Kenyan radio correspondents trained on the use of ICTs for interviewing and reporting

Posted on: 06/02/2017

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UNESCO held, thanks to the support of Sweden, a 3 days training, on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This training was addressed to media practitioners from community radio stations part of the “Empowering Local Radio with ICTs” project, from 5 to 7 December 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Mentorship Training for Community Radio in Tanzania

Posted on: 25/01/2017

From 19 to 24 October 2016, UNESCO held, thanks to the support of Sweden, a six-days workshop regarding the mentorship of community radio stations, in Bagamoyo - Tanzania. Nine participants, comprising of three women, were trained on skills and knowledge needed for them to act efficiently as mentors for Tanzanian radio stations part of the “Empowering Local Radio with ICTs” project.


Training local correspondents and building trust in the radio stations

Posted on: 08/12/2016

My skills have doubled. I did not know how to write a radio script but now I am well equipped and confident to go to the field to interview farmers

Local radio stations’ correspondents are the link between the station and the community. They are the ones responsible for gathering news, getting testimonies and investigating stories out on the field. Their role is crucial are they are the most efficient way for local stations to get the news that matter to their local communities.

Empowering women in African radio

Posted on: 08/12/2016

UNESCO considers Gender Equality as a human rights principle, a precondition for sustainable, people-centered development, a goal in itself and constitutes one of UNESCO’s two Global Priorities – along with Africa.

Promoting gender equality through and in the media could be the impulse needed by society to finally achieve women and girls’ rights everywhere as part of fundamental human rights. Media have the potential to make a crucial contribution to the advancement of women by promoting fair portrayal and covering stories relative to gender equality. Apart from their content, the media also need to include women in their organization by welcoming qualified female professionals in every positions of the media industry - from technical to executive jobs.


Developing communities through radio

Posted on: 05/12/2016

Community media focus on community participation with the goal of transforming society. They are conceived to inform people and allow them to participate in decisions that affect them. They can facilitate the empowerment of vulnerable communities – populations who are isolated geographically, culturally or linguistically and whose representation is generally ignored by mainstream media – such as women for example. The objective is to create a public social sphere where anybody can contribute and be heard.

Immersive digital experience shows the transformative power of local radio

Posted on: 08/11/2016


Discover a digital narrative experience which will plunge you into the world of community radio. In each chapter through audio and video clips among other features, you will meet key people and learn how these radio stations are improving their work to provide their communities with an inclusive, gender-focused and quality programming on issues of local concern.
Through the narration you will be presented with concrete examples of the project’s impact and be able to witness how community radio is helping change people's lives fro the better.

Workshops with Local Radios on Issues of Local Concern in DRC

Posted on: 01/12/2014

As part of the Empowering Local Radios with ICTs project, implemented by UNESCO with the financial support of the Swedish Agency for International Development Assistance, Sida, the UNESCO office in Kinshasa organized a workshops on strengthening the capacity of broadcasts relating to agriculture and health for the 4 radio partners from the 22nd to the 23rd of September, 2014. These partners were joined by either other non-project partners that were also invited to the workshop.

UNESCO partners with BBC Media Action on lifeline communication training in Kisumu County, Kenya

Posted on: 01/07/2014

UNESCO partnered with BBC Media Action to carry out a three day training workshop on Lifeline Communication from 28 to 30 April 2014 in Kisumu County. This training was aimed at building and enhancing capacity of media practitioners, and humanitarian agencies to meet communication needs of affected communities during and after humanitarian disasters. It also helped stimulate efficient and better coordination between the media and humanitarian responders during such crises.

