The project is designed with different levels of results to be achieved through a chain of planned activities and objectives.


Strengthening free, independent and pluralistic media, civic participation and gender-responsive communication for sustainable development (UNESCO’s main line of action 2 for Programme V of the document 36 C/5 )

Outcome Objective

Poor people, especially women and girls, have access to information on the issues that affect their lives as well as access to communication that facilitates their active participation in public debates on development issues, sharing knowledge and experience in areas of their own primary concern

Objectives and corresponding activities

Increased knowledge among radio staff about ICTs for improved programming, editorial work, communication and interaction, broadcasting and delivery, financial planning and management

  • Three workshops on the use of Internet to report on the three selected areas
  • Two workshops on a) management of daily contacts and b) mobile-friendly content production and use of related broadcasting software
  • Three workshops on the use of ICTs in radio programming and diffusion
  • National forum of all sponsored radios on ICTs and sustainability

Radio staff have increased knowledge on reporting issues of local public concern

Increased knowledge among radio staff in editorial, programming and monitoring matters, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief information, and radio formats

  • Two workshops on editorial, programming and monitoring matters, including radio formats and gender focus
  • Workshop covering humanitarian assistance and disaster relief information

Increased knowledge among radio staff in reporting issues of local public concern

  • Six workshops to raise capacities to produce radio programmes in three areas

Increased knowledge in gender sensitive reporting (elimination of stereotypes and promotion of multi-dimensional portrayal)

  • Transversal theme in all workshops
  • Two workshops on gender focus

Efficient local correspondents network in place, providing the radio with plurality of sources and diversity of local news. Radio staff manages the correspondents network reporting issues from area of signal coverage.

News fed in by correspondents from radio station signal coverage area

  • Feasibility study on the choice of and incentive schemes for correspondents (Activity for radio staff)
  • Choice of local correspondents (Activity for radio staff)

Local correspondents are reporting issues of local public concern for the radio station

  • Two workshops on the role of correspondents (Activity for correspondents)

Local correspondents have increased knowledge of networking, including ICTs

  • Two workshops for news desks on work with correspondents’ network, including ICTs (Activity for radio staff)
  • Two workshops on the use of mobiles by correspondents for interviewing and reporting (Activity for correspondents)

Sustainable and financially independent local radio stations.
Radio station’s staff has increased knowledge of entrepreneurship, income-generation and networking

  • Three workshops on entrepreneurship and income-generation
  • Three workshops on financial planning and management
  • National forum of all sponsored radios on ICTs and sustainability